This tilt leads means we have different seasons
What is 23.5 degrees?
What is the weather?
These storm form over warm, tropical ocean waters.
What are hurricanes or typhoons?
These carry and distribute the sun's heat throughout our planet.
What are wind and ocean currents?
This area has little weather variation of the year. It is always hot with an average temp around 80 degrees.
What is a tropical wet climate?
These lines of latitude mark the farthest North and South the sun shines directly overhead at noon.
What are the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?
This is what the weather conditions are over a long period of time.
What is the climate?
These are typically 10-20 miles across, clear and calm, being circles by winds moving as fast as 200 miles per hour.
What is the eye of a hurricane?
These bring warm water from the equator to milder climates, and cold water from the poles to warmer ones.
What are ocean currents?
This type of climate gets mischaracterized as only hot, when in truth it is focused on the little amount of rainfall that occurs.
What is a desert?
Twice a year a _____________ happens, marking the beginning of Spring or Autumn.
What is an equinox?
Convectional, Orographic, and frontal are classified as this.
What is precipitation?
In this type of weather extreme, a counter clockwise spinning funnel with winds reaching 300 miles per hour can cause huge damage.
What is a tornado?
This weather pattern occurs every two to seven years and brings warm water and heavy rains to the Americas, while creating drought conditions in Australia and Asia.
What is El Nino?
This area is permanently frozen.
What is the Ice Cap.
This happens on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere.
What is the Summer Solstice?
This type of precipitation falls on the windward side of a mountain.
What is orographic precipitation?
This occurs in winter when there is a heavy snowstorm, with winds more than 35 miles per hour.
What is a blizzard?
This occurs when CO2 emissions trap heat in the atmosphere.
What is the greenhouse effect?
This area is a flat treeless area that forms a ring around the arctic circle. Summers are short, and temps may reach slightly above 40 degrees F.
What is a Tundra?
Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is on this day.
What is December 21st?
This area is the leeward side of a hill or mountain, and it receives very little rain.
What is known as the Rain Shadow?
These two weather extremes happen with too much or too little precipitation.
What are floods and droughts?
As our climate heats up, scientists are predicting this.
What are erratic and extreme weather conditions?
Evergreen forests cover the land in this climate. Huge temp variations with changing seasons, although the winters are always cold.
What is the subarctic?