A relationship where two people who are not married to each other live together as if they were married
During which time period were children seen as "mini adults" with little variations in responsibilities and culture?
Pre-industrial era
Adults who simultaneously care for their dependent children and their aging parents
Sandwich generation
Argued that childhood is now seen as a distinct period in a person's life
Which perspective argues that families are created through choice rather than tradition
On which continent can we find the Atlas mountains?
Men coming home to the family after a hard day’s work is akin to being treated to a “warm bath” is an example of which function of the family as argued by Parsons?
Stabilization of Adult Personalities
Name one way in which the world of adults and the world of children are now separated
1. Child Labor Laws
2. Compulsory Education
3. Child Welfare Laws that establish age restrictions on behaviors
Why is domestic violence difficult to estimate?
Many cases go unreported
Developed the theory of cultural capital to explain why social mobility is very difficult
Which perspective shares a lot of commonalities with Functionalism?
The New Right
A Haiku is a Japanese poem consisting of how many lines of verse?
What type of family is described as a family in which men have the most authority?
Patriarchal Family
Name one way in which childhood is said to be "disappearing"
1. Children are increasingly exposed to adult themes through "open admission technologies" ex. media, internet
2. Children's play is being restricted/shortened
3. Children are becoming consumers
Term that describes men who are playing a more active role in child-rearing and domestic labor
The "New Man"
Presented 4 arguments against cohabitation
Patricia Morgan
Name 2 reasons why the New Right argues against cohabitation
1. Cohabiting relationships are more unstable, less likely to last
2. Sexual behavior of cohabiting people resembles that of single people
3. Cohabitants with children who marry are more likely to divorce
4. Relationship is more likely to be abusive, marriage reduces risk of abuse to children/mother
In Greek mythology what is Sisyphus condemned to do for eternity?
Roll a boulder up a hill
This term refers to the families becoming more isolated and home-centered
Name one factor that accounts for why children within our society may experience childhood differently
1. Gender differences
2. Ethnic differences
3. Class differences
In modern industrial societies, mothers are most expected to do what?
Devote themselves to their children
Argued that people increasingly assess the likely risks and consequences associated with marriage, such as divorce.
This creates an avoidance of risk by not marrying
Why do Postmodernists believe "metanarratives" are now obsolete?
Society has become too unpredictable and interconnected due to technological progress and globalization
What Carthaginian general led his soldiers (and war elephants) through the Alps to attack Rome?
A. Scipio Africanus
B. Hannibal Barca
C. Cato the Elder
D. Marcus Aurelius
Hannibal Barca
A "big story" or theory that attempts to explain that society and culture
What is a common cross-cultural difference in childhood when we look outside Western society?
1. More responsibility at an earlier age
2. Less value placed on obedience to adult authority
3. Sexual behavior is viewed differently
Name one reason why conjugal roles are becoming more equal
1. More women are working, creating more equal partnerships
2. Cohabiting relationships are on the rise, which are more egalitarian
3. Changing Social attitudes
Argued that Welfare programs and lone-parent families are creating a generation of "idle young men"
Charles Murray
Name TWO characteristics of a POSTMODERN society
2. Rapid technological change
3. unpredictability
4. much cultural diversity
What Marvel Character has appeared in the most movies?
Nick Fury