Beaver pelts were traded for...
The french would get Beaver pelts and in return they would give the First Nations metals and modern weapons?
a region claimed and governed by a country from a different part of the world
what is a colony
The typical number of children in a family in New France
Was the normal amount of children to have in a family 6 to 7?
The rich people would typically have this food instead of the less unfortunate
Different varieties of meat?
it was established by British colonists
What is the 13 colonies
The British + French didn't care to have a good relationship with the First Nations people.
Is the reason that they weren't good acquaintances after awhile.
When one country takes control of another country or region, establishing a settlement, or permanent part of the colony, in order to control the area and gain riches.
What is the definition of colonization?
Natural change and migration.
What does population of growth mean.
Is an independent landowner
What is a Habitant?
2.5 million people were in them
How many people were in the 13 colonies
The first nations were the first to settle and own the land.
Who were the first to be on the North American land.
To create trading posts
The reason for colonizing in North America?
a disease caused from a lack of vitamin C
what is scurvy
This was what people would always have at the dinner table.
Bread was typically this item?
A group of settlements that became the original states of the United States of America.
What is the definition of 13 colonies?
The First Nations fought and argued with the French and British.
Why the French and British wanted to take the First Nations land.
the complete control of a resource by a single company or nation
What is monopoly
Forcing girls as young as 13 or 14 to then marry a man and create a family was..
what was the main cause of population growth in New France?
The south part of North America was where...
The British settled in North America?
they lasted from 1775-1781
how long did the 13 colonies last
They used their lands resources as their shelter,food,and water.
How would the first nations survive
a system that made a country rich from colonies
what is mercantilism
a disease brought by the Europeans that affects the lungs
what is tuberculosis
A colony centered in the St. Lawernce Valley of eastern canada.
Where was there colony centered?
more than half died in the first winter
How many colonists died