Some religions prohibit making images of sacred beings. This sculpture was prohibited by the Taliban.
What is the Bamiyan large Buddah?
Art has celebrated and promoted the power of rulers, even after death as in this statue.
What is Augustus of Primaporta?
What is the Altar to the Chases High School by Christian Boltanski?
This artist reflected on two sides of themselves in this self portrait.
What is the Two Fridas, by Frida Kahlo?
Representing nature can be a political act like in this photograph by this artist.
What is Caribou Migration by Subhankar Banerjee?
Architecture provides settings for religious rituals based on the ideas and needs of each faith such as this stained glassed structure in France.
What is Sainte- Chapelle?
These were created to honor royalty after they had died.
What are The Great Pyramids?
Sunkist oranges, construction workers, Manhatten rooftops and bald eagles can be found in this painting. All of the following images are found in this painting by this artist.
What is Robert Rauschenberg's Windward?
This artist created a self-portrait after their procedure with this title.
What is Alice Neel by Andy Warhol.
What is the Dream by Henri Rousseau?
An Islamic house of worship in Spain whose construction begun in 8th century where space and light create an enhanced sense of wonder and mystery.
What is the Great Mosque at Cordoba?
The practice of one artist reproducing or transforming an image that was created by another artist, claiming the reproduced or transformed image as their own?
What is appropriation?
This piece is portraying a domestic scene
What is Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk?
This Mexican artist is known for creating works in the self portrait genre.
Who is Frida Kahlo
It records the feathers which were a highly valued material of the Aztec culture.
What is the Florentine Codex?
An enlightened being who has delayed his ultimate aim of nirvana-freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth- in order to help others achieve that aim.
Who is Bodhisattva?
Democracy is idealized in this 1830s painting.
What is Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People?
These are broad areas of content reflected in the arts many cultures.
What are themes?
This piece employs a series of five videos to tell stories inspired by a novel.
What is the Shirin Neshat's Woman Without Men from 2009?
This work uses elements from the environment that it was created in and exemplifies the natural world theme.
What is the Spiral Jetty?
The Destruction of images based on religious beliefs.
What is Iconoclasm?
This painting illustrates the horrors of a small village being bombed.
What is Guernica by Pablo Picasso?
Works of art that show or record everyday life, such as views of domestic peacefulness or hunting, are called ________scenes.
What is genre?
This piece is made of silver and best represents art that reflects the self.
What is the The Codman Silver Dressing Table and Stoll from 1899
This painting is a painting in three sections. The center section portrays the bogus paradise of love and the outer sections representing Eden and Hell.
What is The Garden of Earthly Delights?