Common Sense, p.83
a 47-page pamphlet published in January 1776 that urged separation from Great Britain
Loyalists, p. 84
sometimes called Tories- were those who remained loyal to Great Britain
Would you have agreed with Thomas Paine? Explain your answer? p. 83
Yes-because the king has abused his power, and citizens should have the right to self-rule
No- because the monarchy was a good system even if the current monarch was abusing the people's rights
Name one other person who helped write the Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Franklin
Roger Sherman
Robert Livingston
John Adams
anonymously, p. 83
without giving a name
Thomas Paine, p. 83
author that argued citizens, not kings and queens, should make the laws
pamphlet that made an argument against British rule
Common Sense
What groups were unrepresented in the Declaration of Independence? p. 85
women and enslaved African Americans
What charge did Thomas Jefferson make against the King of England that was deleted from the Declaration of Independence?
George the 3rd was responsible for the slave trade and and was preventing America from ending slavery
Enlightenment, p. 84
movement during the 1700s that emphasized the use of reason and logic to improve society
Thomas Jefferson, p. 84
committee member and main author of the Declaration of Independence
Historians estimate that 40 to 45 percent of Americans were ______
How realistic do you think this painting is? p. 85
The event may have looked something like this representation, but this image was most likely not entirely accurate.
What three rights does the Declaration of Independence endow mankind?
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
ideals, p. 85
guiding standards or principals
Declaration of Independence, p. 84
formally announced the colonies' break from Great Britain
Historians estimate that 20 to 30 percent were _______
How does the language in the list appeal to people's emotions? p. 86
These words convey a sense of injustice that Jefferson and the other members of the Continental Congress thought the colonists had suffered at the hands of Great Britain
Where were the shots first fired the began the war with England?
Lexington and Concord
social contract, p. 84
agreement between the people and the government
Patriots, p. 84
colonists that chose to fight for independence
This committee member argued that all men possess unalienable rights
Thomas Jefferson
Why were the colonists protesting British tax policies? p. 87
They were angry that they were being taxed without representation
When was a resolution of independence originally approved?
July 2, 1776
tyranny, p. 83
abuse of government power