Student Diversity
Bilingual Education
Multicultural Education
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Today's Classroom/
We Are One
Refers to shared common cultural traits such as language, religion, and dress.
What is Ethnicity?
The use of two languages for instruction.
What is Bilingual Education?
__________ focuses specifically on developing a multicultural curriculum.
What is James Banks?
Focuses on the learning strengths of students and mediates the frequent mismatch between home and school cultures.
What is Culturally Responsive Teaching?
The reality is that _______-_______ of our schools makes it unlikely that you will be teaching students from these groups in the same class at that same time.
What is Hyper-Segregation?
African American peers sometimes mock school achievement as "_________," suggesting academic success is racial or cultural treason.
What is acting white?
DAILY DOUBLE!! The program that supplements immersion programs by providing special pull-out classes for additional instruction in reading and writing English.
What is English as a Second Language (ESL)?
Students are taught to view events and issues from diverse ethnic and cultural perspectives.
What is Transformation Approach?
Members of religious, racial, or ethnic groups that share certain experiences and may share certain similarities.
What is Generalizations?
It is important to keep in mind that each student is an _________, and any generalizations you make initially may change over time.
What is Individual?
This is a student club that provide's a sage space for LGBT students and their allies.
What is Gay-Straight Alliances?
People who support this movement believe that English should be the only language used or spoken in public and that the purpose of bilingual education should be to quicly teach English to ELL students.
What is the English-only movement?
Students not only learn to view issues from multiple perspectives, but also become directly involved in solving related problems.
What is Social Action?
A measure of how social context, such as self-image, trust in others, and a sense of belonging, can influence academic performance.
What is Stereotype Threat?
These insights and experiences, these different ways of knowing and seeing the world, are ___________.
What is Diversity Assets?
A theory that asserts academic problems that can be overcome if educators study and mediate the cultural gap separating school and home.
What is Cultural Difference Theory?
Early findings suggested that students enrolled in well-implemented bilingual programs actually ________ students in monolingual programs.
What is outperform?
A unit or course is incorporated, often but not always during a "special" week or month.
What is Addictive Approach?
_________ developed three promising culturally responsive principles for teaching not only African American children, but others as well.
What is Gloria Ladson-Billing?
DAILY DOUBLE! What does the acronym DIVERSE stand for?
What is Diverse Instructional Materials, Inclusive, Variety, Exploration, Reaction, Safety, and Evaluation?
The process of acquiring a culture; a child's acquisition of the cultural heritage through both formal and informal educational means.
What is enculturation?
_________ places students in classes where only English is spoken, and instruction is not modified at all.
What is Submersion?
Focuses on heroes, holidays, and discrete cultural elements.
What is Contributions Approach?
To be competent in each of Ladson-Billings's three points, you will need to acquire certain _______, ________, and _______.
What is Skills, Attitudes, and Knowledge?
What poem by Langston Hughes's was used to understand the continuing racism and sexism in society, as well as profound universal desires to accept and be accepted by others.
What is "I, Too, Sing America"?