Mixtures and Solutions
Properties of Matter
Separating Substances
Changes in Matter

Define Solution

A mixture of substances that are combined so completely that the mixture looks the same throughout. 


Conservation of Matter

a scientific rule that matter is neither created nor destroyed during a change. 

What tool should you use to separate water from pasta after cooking?

Sleeve or calender 


List the states of matter

solid, liquid, gas


Define particle

Any tiny piece or amount.


Define Mixture

a physical combination of two or more substances that are combined without forming new substances.


There is a fish tank with rocks at the bottom. There is a rubber ducky at the top of the water. Fill in the blanks:

The rock ____ because it is ____ dense than the rubber ducky. 

The rock SINKS because it is MORE dense than the rubber ducky. 


What tool could you use to separate shells from sand? 

Spoon, sleeve, sifter, etc

Give an example of something changing states of matter.

Many answers could work

-water freezing

-water evaporating 

-salt dissolving into water and appearing liquid


Bobby drank the water from his water bottle. He put the lid on the bottle. Is it empty now? If not, what is inside the bottle?

Air is inside, the particles of air are too small to see. 


We put 1 tablespoon of sand into a cup of water and stirred. What are the properties of the sand and water after being mixed?

Sand and water remain the same substances when mixed together. The mass of sand and water remain the same. 


There is a fish tank with rocks at the bottom. There is a rubber ducky at the top. Fill in the blanks:

The rubber ducky _____ and is ____ dense than the rocks. 

The rubber ducky FLOATS and is LESS dense than the rocks.


Sammy has a bowl of paperclips and rubber bands. What tool could he use to separate the mixture? What is the property of the paperclips and rubber bands?

Tool- a magnet

Property of paperclips- magnetic

Property of rubber bands- not magnetic


Describe what happened when you stir in 1 tablespoon of sand into a cup of water. 

The sand sinks to the bottom of the cup. The sand does not dissolve in water. The sand keeps its properties (stays a solid) and becomes wet. The water keeps its properties, stays a liquid. 


Define Solubility

the maximum amount of substance that can be dissolved by another substance


Arthur made lemonade by mixing 1,200 grams of water with 30 grams of sugar and 30 grams of lemon. What is the mass of the mixture? Explain what happened to the sugar. 

1,200+30+30= 1,260 grams

Matter is not destroyed. The sugar changes in state of matter, from solid to liquid. 


Give an example of a dish you would prepare for a meal that is a mixture. 

Multiple answers

-fruit salad


-cereal and milk
