Key Words
Key Concepts
The 4 Domains
Situations in the Classroom

Refers to a distinct aspect of teaching

What is a domain?


7 things that are extremely important to have in the classroom at all times; examples of these are equity and appropriate use of technology

What are common themes?


Establish a comfortable and respectful environment; has good routines and procedures, student behavior is cooperative, and physical environment is supportive

What is Domain 2?


 A new 3rd grade teacher is not willing to grow and expand her knowledge in the components of her classroom, and her classroom is out of hand and students are not getting adequate learning experiences. This teacher is showing _____ level of performance. 

What is Unsatisfactory?


Permeate all the different components and elements of the framework for teaching and serve to define performance at a high level

What is a common theme?


How well a teacher knows and can run their classroom; (basic, established, etc.)

What are levels of performance?


Encompasses the roles assumed outside and in the classroom; enhancing professionalism; maintaining accurate records

What is Domain 4?


Teachers and students have shared roles in the classroom. A student may have input on the seating arrangement or choosing a spot where they feel comfortable to work. When they meet with their book clubs, they take the initiative to plan a goal for their reading. This is an example of ____ _______ _ _________. 

What is Student Assumption of Responsibility?


Becomes more polished by teachers remaining in the profession, gaining experience, and developing expertise

What is performance?


The highest level of performance that you can achieve; mastered components and implication; works to help both inside and outside of the classroom

What is distinguished?


Planning and preparation; describes how a teacher organizes the content that the students are to learn (designing instruction)

What is domain 1?

Quote: “A teacher’s essential responsibility is to ensure that students learn, to design (or select or adapt) learning activities such that students learn important content” (27).


An experienced teacher did not want to give an assignment to her students after they learned about fractions and instead allows them to have free time on the laptops. Some students are still not understanding fractions, but they are just playing games on the computer instead. This is an example of not having _______ __ of Technology.

What is Appropriate Use?



Routines are established and patterns are set so they no longer require constant attention

What is automaticity?


List four of the seven common themes that were mentioned in the book.

Equity, cultural competence, high expectations, developmental appropriateness, appropriate use of technology, attention to individual students, or student assumption of responsibility


Components essential to the heart of teaching; the engagement of students in content; well designed questions or activities

What is Domain 3?


A teacher gives below grade level worksheets, books, and reading and writing instruction to students that are struggling at their grade level in reading and writing, but still pushes them at the level they are at. This teacher uses the _____ and _____ themes in their instruction.

What are the themes developmental appropriateness and high expectations?

Example: LC Field Placement


All the different aspects of teaching are entangled in multiple ways

What is a holistic endeavor?


Something that is all encompassing, uses multiple components at once, you don't use just one component throughout. Teachers think about and use all of these 4 things when teaching every day

What is using the domains?

Quote: “The components of the framework for teaching become a diagnostic tool to understand how a teacher’s performance can be strengthened, while acknowledging that every aspect of teaching is connected to many others” (31-32).


The word that is used when all four domains and their existing components are used together to make the classroom effective.

What is interrelatedness?

Quote: “The four domains of the framework for teaching, and the components they contain, are described separately from one another. This is not to suggest, however, that teachers do each of them independently or in isolation” (31).


A middle school teacher has planned out and executed an assignment for learning about the branches of government, but students are talking through her teaching and are not engaged. This teacher is lacking in Domain ___ and ___.

What is domain 2 and 3?
