This waxy layer helps seed plants retain moisture and prevent water loss.
What is the cuticle?
These seed plants produce "naked seeds" and include conifers.
What are gymnosperms?
The part of the flower that contains the male reproductive organs.
What is the stamen?
This is the function of fruits.
What is seed dispersal?
This generation is the dominant form in the life cycle of seed plants.
What is the sporophyte generation?
This structure transports water and minerals in seed plants.
What is xylem?
The two key adaptations of angiosperms that help them thrive in diverse environments.
What are flowers and fruits?
This type of flower contains both male and female reproductive organs.
What is a complete flower?
This structure protects the developing embryo and provides nutrients in a seed.
What is the seed coat?
This evolutionary feature of seed plants protects the embryo and aids in reproduction.
What is the seed?
These reproductive adaptations allow seed plants to reproduce without the need for water.
What are pollen grains?
All angiosperms belong to this phylum.
What is the Anthophyta phylum?
The part of the flower that contains the female reproductive organs.
What is the carpel?
This structure inside a seed provides nutrition to the developing embryo.
What is the endosperm?
The evolutionary advantage of double fertilization in angiosperms.
What is the formation of endosperm to nourish the developing seed?
This type of tissue supports growth and reproduction in seed plants.
What is vascular tissue?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! This phylum of gymnosperms includes species with fan-shaped leaves and is often planted in cities.
What is the Ginkgophyta phylum?
Flowers that are symmetrical around only one plane are said to have this type of symmetry.
What is bilateral symmetry?
The function of sporophylls, sori, and strobili in certain plants.
What is to produce spores for reproduction?
The three main types of plants that have vascular tissue are:
What are bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, and seed plants?
These structures enable seed plants to live in dry environments by protecting the embryo.
What are seeds?
This key feature of the gymnosperm life cycle involves the production of cones for reproduction.
What is pollen?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! The process by which two sperm cells are involved in fertilization, resulting in a zygote and endosperm.
What is double fertilization?
This process allows seeds to break dormancy and begin growing when conditions are favorable.
What is germination?
These plants can survive in extreme environments and help create habitats for other organisms.
What are mosses?