George W Bush
climate change impacts

Who is George W Bush

A Republican and had George H.W. Bush as dad


The war on terror was

What is an American-led military campaign launched in response of the 9/11 attacks

What needed to be reduced for climate change

What are emissions


Globalization started during this time

When is anywhere between 1700s-1900s and an instant demand of goods caused globalization to impact developing and developed countries


This was significant about him being in office

What is being the first African American president who represented Illinois in Senate for 3 years and won Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people”


George W Bush election was different because

What is Florida's count was so slow and there were absentee ballots not counted and before Florida was counted it was a tie


the USA Patriot Act was

What is something that gives intelligence officials and law-enforcement officers the tools needed to identify terrorists in our borders


The Paris Climate Agreement was 

What is an attempt to help environment and had restrictions on clean water to lower temperatures and made sure poor countries had assistance, but US did not sign until 2016 and Trump quit it and Biden got it back


The World Trade organization did this

What is providing a better trading relationship between developing and developed countries. ex. US would treat Haiti equally

had very little oversight on US bc who would make US do this


Obama hoped to do this during his presidency

What is work across party lines to enact reforms in health care, education, the environment, and immigration policy, but the economic crisis dominated his early months in office


Why did George W Bush win

Because the secretary of state was republican and demanded to stop counting and take what they alr had but democrats took it to court but SCOTUS gave it back to the states so Bush won


The Department of Homeland Security was

What is protecting our country from terrorism by reading peoples' phone logs, but newer companies are keeping their clients' info to themselves to make the clients feel comfortable


Biden did these things on his first day in office

What is rejoining the Paris agreement, canceling keystone XL pipeline permit, and putting a moratorium on oil and gas leasing activities in the arctic national wildlife refuge


the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was this

What is an agreement between Canada, US, and Mexico to protect their trade status and allowed goods to go between countries easily which promoted economy and gave mexico easier access to goods

mexico got better end bc wages are low and workers are treated poorly but it hurts US because there are less jobs leading to less consumption


the causes of the 2008 recession were this 

What are rising oil prices, higher interest rates, fall in house prices/assets, fall in confidence, and credit crunch and the unemployment rate rose to 9.8%


9/11 was

What is a terrorist attack on the towers, pentagon and Pennsylvania in the morning with 2 fully fueled planes that crashed into those places that was an attempt to create chaos, but that did not happen causing anti-islamic sentiment after


Medicare Part B was

What is helping grandparents and senior citizens by taking care of their prescription drug costs, which was unsuccessful and democrats wants and republicans didn't


The no child left behind act did this

What is making schools accountable for just cycling kids through without punishing a teacher or school and if after 2 years the school couldn't meet criteria the child could move schools and teachers were even cheating on standardized tests, but Kemp withdrew from this
The immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 did this

What is creating an annual limit of 270,000, which did not include 800,000 Cubans and >600,000 Vietnamese, laotians and cambodians


Obama did these things during his presidency

What are spending $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) (2008)(federal bailout of General Motors and Chrysler-saved millions of jobs)

  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ($787 billion worth of spending and tax cuts to stimulate the economy and relieve unemployment)

  • Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) (expanded gov’t regulation)

  • Ended discrimination against LGBTQ+ in the military

  • Ended some Bush tax cuts that disproportionately favored the wealthy

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) or “Obamacare”

  • Ended last remnant of COld War- opened diplomatic relations with Cuba (2015)

The One World Trade Center is

What is the tallest building in the US and western hemisphere standing at 1776 feet tall where the twin towers were


the Kyoto Protocal was

What is when the US went around the world trying to get people to cut their carbon emissions and sign this protocol, but then didn't join because they did not want to be told what to do


Hurricane Katrina did this

What is devastating poor african american neighborhoods and then billions of dollars were put in to fix dams and levys


Exceptions to immigration act were

What is if an immigrant has a relative that lives in the US they can sponsor a relative by being responsible and providing a house or helping with jobs


Edward Snowden was 

who is a former intelligence contractor for the US national security agency and released more than 7000 top secret documents and flew to hong Kong bringing NSA documents and charged with espionage but fled to Russia and Americans learned their government was spying on them
