Seeing Red
The Aftermath of War
America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens
Dust Bowls and Black Blizzards
A New Deal for Unskilled Labor
Fear of Russia ran high even after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917
What is The Red Scare
Congress returned the railroads to private management. Congress encouraged private ownership of the railroads and pledged the Interstate Commerce Commission to guarantee their profitability.
What is Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920
was still the idea in Washington
What is Isolationism
partially caused by the cultivation of countless acres, dry-farming techniques, and mechanization
What is Dust Bowl
When the Supreme Court struck down the National Recovery Administration (NRA), Congress, sympathetic towards labor unions, passed the
What is National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act).
In 1919-1920, a number of states passed
What is criminal syndicalism laws
authorized the Shipping Board to dispose of the wartime fleet of 1500 vessels at extremely low prices.
What is Merchant Marine Act of 1920
President Harding Hated
What is League of Nations
Sympathy towards the affected farmers came with the
What is Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act
This law created a powerful National Labor Relations Board for administrative purposes and reasserted the rights of labor to engage in self-organization and to bargain collectively through representatives of its own choice.
What is National Labor Relations Act of 1935
were reflected in the criminal case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
What is Antiredism and antiforeignism
American shipping could not thrive in competition with foreigners, who all too often provided their crews with wretched food and starvation wages
What is La Follette Seaman's Act of 1915
Invitations to the conference went out to all the major naval powers. Secretary Hughes laid out a plan for declaring a ten-year hiatus on construction of battleships and even for scrapping some of the huge ships already built. He proposed that the scaled-down navies of America and Britain should have the same number of battleships and aircraft carriers; the ratio being 5:5:3 (Japan's navy would be smaller than America's and Britain's).
What is Washington "Disarmament" Conference in 1921-1922
In 1935, President Roosevelt set up this
What is Resettlement Administration
John L. Lewis Formed
What is Committee for Industrial Organization
was inaugurated in 1921
What is Warren G. Harding
Congress Created This to operate hospitals and provide vocational rehabilitation for the disabled
What is Veterans Bureau
stated that the British and Americans would refrain from fortifying their Far Eastern possessions, including the Philippines. The Japanese were not subjected to such restraints in their possessions.
What is Five-Power Naval Treaty of 1922
In order to protect the public against fraud, Congress passed the "Truth in Securities Act"
What is Federal Securities Act
Congress passed the
What is Fair Labor Standards Act
was the secretary of state
What is Charles Evans Hughes
giving every former soldier a paid-up insurance policy due in 20 years.
What is Adjusted Compensation Act
When petitions bearing 2 million signatures reached Washington, Calvin Coolidge's secretary of state Frank. B. Kellogg signed with the French foreign minister
What is Kellogg-Briand Pact
encouraged Native American tribes to establish self-government and to preserve their native crafts and traditions. 77 tribes refused to organize under the law, while hundreds did organize.
What is Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
Committee for Industrial Organization" was changed to
What is Congress of Industrial Organizations.