All manufacturers use the same design of C channel.
True or False
False 1144
The heavy-duty frame is commonly referred to as what, making a simile to another useful tool?
A ladder. 1143
How many points need to be located and marked to check frame alignment?
7 1156
How many items can cause misalignment besides bent frame?
7 1154
Builders of frames cut lots of holes in the frames to make them lighter.
True or False
False 1147
What two letters are used to describe the cross section of the rails shape?
C or an I. 1143
What style of cross-member provides for a low center of gravity?
Drop-Style. 1143
What does it cost when a tool is found in the shop at the end of the day?
1 Monster energy drink
What types of damage categories are there?
Diamond, twist, sideways, sag and bow. 1153
The chassis frame is referred to as what?
Backbone of all heavy-duty vehicles. 1143
How are cross-members attached to the frame?
Bolted or welded 1144
If you remove the heat treatment from a tempered truck frame, how does it affect the yield strength?
Reduces it by ½. 1147
What date is graduation this semester?
May 14th 2025
What do tanker trailers often use as the primary frame member?
The tank itself. 1147
What controls axial rotation on a trailer?
Cross members. 1143
What tool is needed to do an initial assessment of frame alignment?
None. 1154
Why do they say to use specific angles when cutting or welding the frame?
So the RBM will be minimally affected. 1149
How many students are in the diesel heavy program this semester?
What kind of multielement rails are there?
3-element rail, 4 element rail, and 2 element rail. 1151
Most hollow tubular section members have high what?
SM combines with light weight. 1147
When a crack is found on a frame, what are the steps for repairing the frame?
Drill a hole to stop the crack, cut a “V” on the inside of the crack, weld the inside of the frame, cut a “V” on the outside of the crack, weld the outside of the crack. 1159-1160
If you need to weld on a frame, what type of equipment is recommended to use?
1/8-inch Arc welding. 1158
What 4 ways can the frame be damaged that is not done by impact damage?
Exceeding GVWR or GAWR, uneven load distribution, improper 5th wheel settings, using vehicle for non-designed purposes. 1152
What are the types of cross-members?
I-beam, C section, tubular, Boxed, or other shape. 1144
If frames have to be cut and/or welded, what angles are advised to make the cuts?
60 degrees, 45 degrees. 1149