Header#1:Male Black
Header #2:
The Police Response
Header #3: Procedural Justice
Header #4: An Imperfect Shield
Header #5: Innocence in the Park

What was the gang of police officers called that caused chaos and distrust among a community in California? 

What is... The Riders


What is the specific name of the description used frequently by police officers that pairs a race with crime and creates bias?

What is... MALE BLACK


What is procedural justice training?

What is... A type of restorative training that helps to build healthy relationships with the public.


What was LeRonne’s uncle pressuring him to do after LeRonne’s brother was shot?

What is... Shoot his brother’s killer


Why was the young black couple that the author saw, randomly stopped in the park?

What is... A matching description of a suspect in the same area.


What police department was plagued with scandals and housed a band of vigilante cops?

What is... The Oakland Police Department


What was always included in the way that police officers would describe a potential suspect?

What is... Gender and Race


Selective attention, the way our brain ignores certain stimuli, is used by everyone's brains all of the time. What is the most famous demonstration of this?

What is... The "Invisible Gorilla"


What term is coined for when the cops were pushed to the limit, feeling underappreciated, and thus becoming frustrated with their career?

What is... Cynicism


What was the author’s main worry about this cycle of race, cops, and history?

What is... Increasing fear between young black men and cops.


What was the purpose of the advisory board that the author was on? 

What is... Helping to quantify and address racial profiling by law enforcement. 


What were the cultural and procedural forces within the departments that could influence officer’s choices on the streets?

What is... Department policies, enforcement strategies, supervisor's direct commands to officers


People stopped by the police care as much about ______________ as they do about whether they got a ticket.

What is... How police officers treat them


Why would LerRonne”s mother take him and his brother to visit their uncles in jail?

What is... She wanted to show them why they should stay away from anything that might put them in jail.


When the girl in the park called her parents the way she responded signified what?

What is... The fear she had of police and the uncertainty of how to handle the situation.
