What is アルバイト?
What is a part time job?
What is デパアート?
What is a department store?
What is まつ?
What is to wait?
What does なか mean?
Turn this phrase into English:
What is "I wrote a letter"?
What is ひと
What is a person?
What is ほにゃ?
What is a bookstore?
What is かう?
What is to buy?
What do みぎ and ひだり mean?
What is right and left?
Turn this phrase into English:
What is "I won't play with your dog"?
What is てがみ?
What is a letter?
What is バスてい?
What is a bus stop?
What is とる?
What is to take a picture?
What do うしろ and まえ mean?
What is behind and in front?
Turn this phrase into English:
What is "I bought a desk at the department store. I also bought a chair."?
What is rice/meal?
What is ごはん?
What is a park?
What is こうえん?
What is to understand?
What is わかる?
What is close/nearby?
What is ちかく?
Please say "By the chair over there a child is waiting" in Japanese.
What is "あのいすのちかくにこどもがいます"?
What is a desk?
What is つくえ?
What is a (Buddhist) temple?
What is おてら?
What are the two verbs which mean to be/exist, and what is the difference?
What is between?
What is あいだ?
Please say "between you and I there is a black cat. The cat over there is also black" in English
What is "あなたとわたしのあいだにくろいねこがいます、あのねこもくろい。"?