The Good News about God at work in Jesus Christ. The word Gospel means "Good News”.
a gift from God that enables us to believe him and accept all he has revealed.
The King of Egypt.
Jacob tricked Esau into giving up his birth right. God changed his name to Israel, which means wrestle with God.
What is the symbolic story of The Tower of Babel?
Last symbolic (prehistory) event in Genesis. It symbolizes the separation among groups of people and humanity's loss of unity. The towers symbolize greed and human resistance to God’s will (They wanted it to be famous and make a name for themselves). Lastly this story is about the development of different languages.
God promised to send a savior to restore human’s friendship with God, Jesus is the savior.
An agreement between God and his people.
He killed able, and he showed the effects of Original Sin.
Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob, and his brother sold him into slavery.
What are the four Matriarchs?
Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah.
The first sin committed by the first human beings, resulting in the state of sin and loss of our share in God’s life that effects all people.
Original Sin
An area in the Middle East that includes present-day Israel.
He was the Baptist who didn’t turn his back on God, his three sons Ham, Shem, and Jaspeth.
She was married to Abraham, and she was a matriarch.
What are the four Patriarchs?
Abraham, Joseph, Isaac, and Jacob
A father, or founder, of a clan, a group of related families. The four patriarchs were Abraham Joseph, Isaac, and Jacob
God changed Jacob’s name to Israel and God’s people became known as the Israelites.
a man of great faith who trusted in God’s will.
What is the symbolic story of Cain and Able?
Symbolic story showing the effects of original sin on humanity. It shows the sacredness of human life. It symbolizes the separation of human beings from one another. This story is also about respecting one another, lastly it shows the healing power of God’s love (God didn’t turn His back on Cain).
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Our ancestors in faith. Also, a motherly figure. The four matriarchs Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah.
God's plan for and protection of all creation.
First born of Abraham and Sarah
What is the symbolic story of the story Noah's Ark?
It is a symbolic story God, God was greatly displeased with humankind, so he flooded the Earth to restart humankind from Noah’s family. God told Noah to grab a few pairs of each animal to keep in existence.
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