Goals 1
Thinking About...
Goals 2
Motivation 1
Motivation & Choices
DMS and Summ

In the goal model of STAMPS, which of the following is associated with being measureable?

stating exactly what you want to accomplish

setting specific deadlines for your goals

establishing realistic goals given your current resources

having criteria for measuring your progress toward the attainment of your goals

having criteria for measuring your progress toward the attainment of your goals


___________ is thinking often about your goal. 

What is Goal oriented thinking?

 A ___________is a code used to help you remember information. 



 ________involves the influences that result in behavior. These influences come from a variety of sources and often fall into _____categories

Motivation and TWO

Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2003) argues that things that enhance competence will build ______________. 

Intrinsic motivation

Which of the following is not a step in rational decision-making? 

identifying the problem

selecting an alternative even if it has negative outcomes

developing alternatives

evaluating results

selecting an alternative even if it has negative outcomes


______________are smaller goals or action steps that move you toward your long-term goals. They are usually actions or strategies that can be done over the course of a few hours up to a few months. 

What are short term goals?

______________is you telling yourself that you, the agent, are able to start and maintain your goal. 

What is Agency thinking?

As it concerns STAMPS

_________=There should be criteria for evaluating your progress toward the attainment of your goal. In other words, this is how you will know when you have actually achieved it. 



Well thought out goals will make you feel able to complete ________. This, in turn, provides the internal _______to get what you desire. 

Tasks and Motivation

__________refers to the manner in which a person approaches, responds to, and acts in any given decision-making situation

Too much extrinsic motivation may lead people develop a sense of _____ rather than _____ , and that feeling becomes attached to the goal. 

Decision-making style 

Have to/choose to


 The number one reason for failed decisions is a failure to ____________. 

strategize well


___________ is the perception that you can reach your goal. 

What is hope? 


 ______has three components: goal-oriented thoughts, agency thoughts, and pathways to achievement. 

What is hope?

As it concerns STAMPS:

 _________The goals you create need to be something you want and not something someone else says you should want. They need to be linked to your values. Be sure they are important to you to increase your success probability. 

Self chosen

According to _____ theory, things that enhance competence will build intrinsic motivation. 

Self determination 

In/with a_________decision-making style, a person uses reason and logic to make decisions



________ was identified as a driving force that helps you achieve your goals


 A _________is an objective, or aim, toward which you direct your effort. It entails both the result of that effort and the pathways you employ to get there. 

What are goals?

This concept states that as you begin to plan your goal, you need to consider multiple ways in which you can achieve the goal. 

What are pathways to achievement?

Once you have established your goals, there are strategies that will increase the likelihood that you will accomplish them. They are:

Write them down

Keep them visible

Tell others 

Identify resources


Grades, certificates, diplomas, and money are all examples of________

External/extrinsic motivation

An __________ is generally impulsive in problem solving, going with the solution that “feels right.” 

Intuitive decision maker


 Three decision-making styles were identified:_____________________________

 rational decision making, intuitive, and dependent


_______are important because they act as a guide and give your work direction, purpose, and focus. __________also help you set priorities. _________influence your decisions and choices and provide the needed motivation when times get hard. 

What are goals?

________refers to the thoughts and actions taken by people that express their individual power. The core challenge at the center of the field of sociology is understanding the relationship between structure and agency.


What is Agency Theory?
STAMPS is a system/strategy that helps you_______________
Create and measure/evaluate goals.

________motivation is not sufficient for long-term goal achievement. 


 __________decision makers deny responsibility for undesirable outcomes



Barriers to effective decision making were found to include ______________________________________________________________________________________

failure to commit, waiting until you have the perfect choice, and failure to develop a workable strategy


____________ this requires that you tie your long-term goals to your core values in order to motivate you to achieve them.


I have financial capabilities, I have taken all of my entrance exams, and I have discussed my plan with a counselor at the school.


 As it concerns success strategies for accomplishing your goal(s), the following are guiding questions for__________:

What resources do you have at your disposal? What talents do you have that can help you? People are also wonderful resources and are often willing to help you reach your goals. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

Identify resources


What are the characteristics of critical thinkers?

Critical thinkers ask many questions.

Critical thinkers view all sides of an issue. 

Critical thinkers make inferences from the information they gather.


Reading a book because the professor assigned it to you and you desire a good grade are examples of an ______________to read the book. 

extrinsic motivation 


______________: You believe something is true simply because someone claims to be an authority. Just because a person is an authority on one subject, it does not follow that s/he is an authority on all subjects. For example, Sandy goes to the doctor for her child’s checkup. While there, her doctor tells her she needs to watch her child with strangers. He tells her strangers take children all the time. Sandy goes home and tells her neighbor that they all need to watch out for strangers. Her neighbor argues that very few child abductions occur that involve strangers. Sandy argues that the doctor told her, so it must be true. •

Appeal to authority


 Goals are important because they act as a guide and_______________________________.

 give your work direction, purpose, and focus.


 Define critical thinking 

 The analysis and evaluation of thinking with the purpose of improving it

What are the steps involved in the critical thinking process?

Define the problem

Investigate and evaluate information related to the problem

Draw inferences from the information you gather

Create and implement the solution

Review, reflect, and revise as necessary

What should you do when thinking critically?

Practice problem solving.

Stay focused.

Spend time thinking about your day.

Practice problem solving

What should you avoid when thinking critically?
Logical fallacies.

 ___________: You make an irrelevant negative comment about another person to undermine his/her credibility; you argue against the person (either the claims maker or the object of the claim). For example, your friend supports Senator Smith for president and you support Senator Jones. To persuade your friend to change her or his mind, you say, “I can’t support Senator Smith because he is too young to be president. He is only 48 years old, and that is not old enough to be a good president.” The constitution clearly states that a citizen must be 35 to be president. Thus, Senator Smith’s age is irrelevant. Alternatively, perhaps your friend argues that you are not capable of choosing a good president because you failed math. People often use this fallacy when they do not have a legitimate reason for disagreeing. 

 Ad hominem
