What is the most successful master volunteer program?
The Master Gardener Program
Family and Consumer Sciences uses people without college degrees, who are from targeted communities. What are these people called?
What is the 4-H slogan?
Learning By Doing
True or False, most Extension professionals have formal training and experience in disciplines other than community development?
What is MSU Extension doing to promote Alzheimers and dementia knowledge and resources?
An Alzheimers and Dementia Education and Prevention magazine was released by MSU Extension
What is the major goal of the Agriculture and Natural Resources program?
Help producers earn a fair return on their efforts in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
Who is the target audience?
Families and consumers
How many 4-H projects are there?
Unlimited, because of self determined
What is the overall Goal of Community development?
To improve the social, economic, and environmental well-being of a community.
What is the connection between the Farm Bill and Extension?
The Farm Bill funds extension programs by authorizing specific funding levels for agricultural research, education, and outreach initiatives within the bill
What USDA agencies work closely with Extension?
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service, FSA Farm Service Agency, ASCS Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
What are the 3 general program categories in family and consumer sciences?
Human Development, Family Resource Management, and Foods and Nutrition
Where are the headquarters of National 4-H?
Washington, D.C.
What is Financial capital?
Financial resources available to invest in community
How is the National 4-H Council utilizing Minecraft to further AI skills?
" Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI"
What is the scope of the Agriculture and Natural Resources program?
Agronomy to Zoology, a particular region will need a particular expertise.
What is one of the first clubs for Family and Consumer Sciences called?
Homemaker clubs
What is the 4-H pledge?
I pledge my head to clearler thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to large service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world
What 3 aspects define a Community?
Space, Social Organizations, and social interactions
Out of Montana’s 469 cities how many have a population over 10,000?