PD is considered this lever in leadership.
What is the weakest?
Enables a leader to find common or persistent action where PD could make an impact
What is observation summary?
The biggest obstacle or limitation for providing effective PD
What is the limitation of time?
The natural tendency when designing PD
What is try to do too much?
Identify highest-leverage topics & develop a PD calendar
What is action step 1 for Principals?
The first step to identifying a worthwhile PD objective
What is determine the highest leverage actions teachers are struggling to implement?
The first place to look for school-wide areas for curricular or instructional improvement.
What is assessments?
Remove these from your faculty meetings
What is announcements?
An outcome when trying to do too much
What is talking too much?
The final key action step
What is monitor & follow-up?
Best way to narrow the focus of PD
What is What do you want them to practice?
Used to quantify a subjective area such as culture or rigor
What is a school rubric?
When you need to cut down on time / leave something out.
What is use only one See It, Name It, Do It cycle?
One factor often overlooked when trying to have teachers learn a new skill through PD
What is time to reflect?
Tell a Story, Make it Clear and Concise, Punch the Core Ideas, Connect & Engage, and Facilitate Discourse.
What are the steps in executing the PD?
Data showing PD is implemented
What is follow-up from the PD?
The solution to complexity in PD
What is let participants see it?
Tips for getting the most out of your PD session
What is rehearse, anticipate, build-in time, and plan transitions?
The step left out of most PD but makes it the most powerful
What is the need to practice- Do It?
Prepare to Deliver - Internalize the Session Plan
What is name the exemplar and anticipate the gaps?
The intention of See It and Name It
What is set up teachers to have effective practice?
Dramatically improves the internalization of professional development
What is reflection?
No matter how little time you have.
What is never sacrifice practice?
Devoting hours to PD without seeing improvements in student learning
What is not having the other levers working well/in place?
Capturing takeaways and helping participants write their action steps
What is intentionally designing reflection time?