Write and fully prove the word. Make sure you indicate which sound of y is being made.
try (long i)
Write and prove the word.
Everyone in here is a ________ in this class.
Write and prove the word. Indicate the sound of y.
A synonym for tornado.
cyclone (long i)
Write this word and separate it into syllables. Then, underline the syllable that contains a schwa sound.
pi lot
(lot should be underlined)
Write and fully prove the word.
di gest
J Bridge
Write and fully prove the word. Make sure you indicate which sound of y is being made.
Write and prove the word.
If someone makes no noise, then they are ______.
Write and prove the word. Indicate the sound of y.
The name for a young and small horse.
pony (long e)
Write this word and separate it into syllables. Then, underline the syllable that contains a schwa sound.
(a should be underlined)
Write and fully prove the word.
de lay
Adjacent vowels
Write and fully prove the word. Make sure you indicate which sound of y is being made.
Friday (silent)
Write and prove the word.
I have a lot of clothes I don't wear anymore, so I need to ______ them.
Write and prove the word. Indicate the sound of y.
If you ask for permission to go to the bathroom, a teacher might ____ you.
deny (long i)
Write this word and separate it into syllables. Then, underline the syllable that contains a schwa sound.
bea con
(bea should be underlined)
Write and fully prove the word.
hy drate
Is your y marked?
Write and fully prove the word. Make sure you indicate which sound of y is being made.
yeast (/y/)
Write and prove the word.
______ is my favorite day of the week.
Write and prove the word. Indicate the sound of y.
After getting a message, most people _____ to it.
reply (long i)
Write this word and separate it into syllables. Then, underline the syllable that contains a schwa sound.
pro mote
(pro should be underlined)
Write and fully prove the word.
One syllable word, exception to PS4.
Write and fully prove the word. Make sure you indicate which sound of y is being made.
myth (short i)
Write and prove the word.
A mirror's job is to _______ an image.
Write and prove the word. Indicate the sound of y.
If something is done as a habit each day, you could say you do it _______.
daily (long e)
Write this word and separate it into syllables. Then, underline the syllable that contains a schwa sound.
fi nal
(nal should be underlined)
Write and fully prove the word.
squ is a 3 letter S Blend!