Balancing Life Goals
Choosing a Career
Investing in Education
Getting a Job
Succeeding on the Job
What is the difference between a career, job, and a profession?
career- series of related jobs in a particular field job- individual work experience (not necessarily related to a career) Profession- work that requires education beyond high school
What is a career plan?
Involves setting goals, charting career path, and staying on that path
What will you receive/earn at a career or technical shcool?
A certification
What are a cover letter and resume?
Your introduction to an employer, the first impression lists skills, education, work experience, and achievements
what should you do after you have sent in your resume?
call to make sure it got there, at this point you can try to set up an interview (make sure this is after the deadline if there is one)
Name three things that will be influenced by the career you choose.
Financial resources Standard of living Personal satisfaction/psychological rewards Family life
What can a person do in high school in order to prepare them for the work force?
class selection, summer jobs, volunteer work, extracurricular activities
What should you be sure to do if you take classes at a community college with the intention to transfer to a four year university?
Make sure the classes will transfer as requirements and not as electives.
What are the two different ways you can apply for jobs and where is each used?
Application --> Interview- less professional jobs Resume & Cover Letter --> Interview- professional jobs
what is the federal agency associated with maintaining safety standards on the job?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
What are three work options employers offer to help individuals balance home and work life?
Job Sharing Flextime Telecommuting (work at home)

How could an individual research a career he or she is interested in?

Speak to workers in that field, Job Shadow, Occupational Outlook Handbook, do an informational interview with an employer 

Does it mean if a school is Accredited?
recognized as maintaining standards in the profession
What are the three parts of a cover letter?
1. Introduction- reason for writing 2. Sell yourself- Briefly state the skills you have that will meet the company’s needs 3. Make a plan- Indicate what you would like to happen next
What are interpersonal skills? Give examples of ones you should have
skills related to working with people. Communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, tolerance
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
Employers must grant leave for certain family and medical reasons (birth, adoption, serious health cond.) Can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year without fear of firing
What is the difference between internships and apprenticeships.
Internship- done after school work is completed apprenticeship- combines classroom work with on the job training
How does the government determine how much money an individual can receive?
calculate the expected family contribution and subtract it from what you will have to pay to attend your chosen school
When paying off student loans, what are three types of payment schedules you can follow?
Full Deferral, Immediate Repayment, Interest Only
When leaving a position, what codes of conduct should you follow?
give two weeks notice finish your job professionally show respect to employer return any company property !Receive your due!
What are the three different career levels and how much education do they require?
Entry level- high school diploma Technical- associates degree & on the job training Professional- 4 year degree
What are the three federal aid options available to students? What are the differences between them?
Scholarships/Grants- Achievement based, do not have to be repaid Loans- will have to be repaid Federal work study- provides jobs with federal funds
How should you answer the "tell me about yourself" question? The "what are your weaknesses" question?
Make your back story relate to why you want this job, what inspired you. Make your weakness something that can be improved, that you can almost make a strength.
What is the equal employment opportunity act? Americans with disabilities and rehabilitation act? Age discrimination Act? Equal Pay Act?
Prevents discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age. Cannot discriminate based on disability Fair pay between men and women