Name the process that causes all rock types to become sediments.
Rocks formed from lava or magma cooling.
igneous rocks
A sedimentary rock that has many small pebbles.
The layer of the Earth where most metamorphic rocks form.
A collection of minerals, organic matter, volcanic glass, or other materials is commonly called:
a rock.
The molten form of volcanic glass, such as obsidian, or the rock basalt is called:
This type of rock includes granite, gabbro, diorite where the magma has cooled underground.
intrusive (plutonic) igneous rocks
A sedimentary rock formed from fossilised plant remains.
Lots of this is required to form metamorphic rocks.
(2 things)
heat & pressure
Give three examples of extrusive igneous rock.
pumice, obsidian and basalt.
A tectonic process that forces rocks to move upwards throughout the rock cycle.
The processes that turns magma or lava into igneous rock.
cooling and crystallization
Name a rocks formed from the direct crystallization of minerals from water:
Limestone, rock salt
Name the metamorphic rock formed from the sedimentary rock, shale.
Granite has large crystals. This is because it formed from magma that:
cooled slowly
The continuous changing and reforming of rocks.
the rock cycle
Rocks formed above the surface from lava cooling.
extrusive (volcanic) igneous rock
Sediment undergoes these 2 processes to form sedimentary rock after deposition.
compaction and cementation
What metamorphic rock is formed from the sedimentary rock, limestone?
A process in which the weight from layers of sediment forces out fluid and decreases space between the grains.
Name the process within the rock cycle that causes sediment to settle at the bottom of a body of water.
What rock is formed when gas escapes as it is cooling, leaving holes on the surface.
What type of sediment is limestone made from?
Shells and skeletons
Where does the heat come from that forms metamorphic rocks?
Basalt has no obvious crystals. This is because the molten rock that formed it cooled: