When did the First Continental Congress meet?
October 1774
Why did colonial leaders gather at the First Continental Congress?
The colonists were upset about the relationship between them and Britain.
What was Common Sense?
A 47-page pamphlet
Who published Common Sense?
It was published anonymously.
Thomas Paine wrote about this kind of freedom, and how the colonies had the right to this.
Economic freedom and militart self defense.
Who was the author of Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
What were delegates split on at the First Continental Congress?
A peaceful way to confront Britain.
In Common Sense, who did Thomas Paine feels should make laws? Who should not make laws?
Citizens should make laws, not kings or queens.
At the First Continental Congress, this was still in place by the colonies, as they were prepping these people for war.
Boycott was still in place, while the militias were preparing for war.
The First Continental Congress did not seek separation from Britain but wanted the king to know their concerns and to do this.
Correct them
Who were the Patriots?
Colonists chose to fight for independence.
Who were the minutemen?
militiamen who were ready to fight at a minute's notice
What was the Declaration of Independence?
A formal document announced the colonies were breaking away from Great Britain.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What does the "shot heard 'round the world" mean?
The start of the Revolutionary War.
The Declaration of Independence has three main ideas. The first main idea says that people had the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of this.
The second part of the Declaration of Independence said that King George III violated colonists' rights by doing this without their consent.
Taxing them.
Who won the Battle of Lexington?
The British.
Who did the Second Continental Congress name as the General of the Continental Army?
George Washington
What did the Battle of Bunker Hill prove?
Showed that the Patriots could fight them.
The Declaration of Independence was approved on this date, which is known as the nation's birthday.
July 4th, 1776
What was the nickname given to the Loyalists (Those who supported the British)
Where did many loyalists leave for because they did not want to break away from the British?
Which two groups were excluded from the Declaration of Independence?
Women and Africans
Which colonies began ending the practice of slavery by the 1780s?
The New England Colonies