This document protects the rights and freedoms of Canadians.
What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
The right to vote in federal and provincial elections.
What is a Democratic Right?
This term means a legal decision that sets an example for future cases.
What is Precedent?
The group responsible for interpreting the Charter.
What is the Supreme Court of Canada?
This term describes unfair treatment based on race, gender, or ability.
What is Discrimination?
The Charter is part of this supreme law of Canada.
What is the Constitution?
The right to believe in and express any religion.
What is a Fundamental Freedom?
The process where courts decide if a law follows the Charter.
What is Judicial Review?
A case involving censorship would likely involve this Charter right.
What is Freedom of Expression?
This term describes restricting access to offensive books, movies, or speech.
What is Censorship?
This clause allows the government to override certain Charter rights temporarily.
What is the Notwithstanding Clause?
The right to move, live, and work anywhere in Canada.
What are Mobility Rights?
The principle that laws must be fair and applied equally to all.
What is Fundamental Justice?
A case about unequal hiring practices could involve this right.
What is Equality Rights?
Hate speech laws must balance this right with public safety.
What is Freedom of Expression?
The Charter became law in this year.
What is 1982?
The right to be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, or disability.
What are Equality Rights?
Government actions can limit rights if they meet this test.
What is Reasonable Limits?
The government can temporarily suspend Charter rights using this section.
What is the Notwithstanding Clause?
Some argue the Charter gives too much power to these unelected officials.
Who are Supreme Court judges?
This Prime Minister played a key role in bringing the Charter into law.
Who is Pierre Trudeau?
The right to a fair trial and a lawyer if arrested.
What are Legal Rights?
The term for making changes to support disadvantaged groups.
What is Affirmative Action?
A school denying French-language education could violate this right.
What are Minority Language Education Rights?
Some believe the Notwithstanding Clause is a loophole that weakens this.
What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?