If I am late to school due to traffic, how many "free" passes do I get?
If I need to gain more weight, but I only have the number for my BMI, what's the first piece of information I need to calculate my new BMI?
My current weight.
Where can I find ALL the homework for this class?
What is the variable for final amount?
I don't have a calculator, I can use the one on google right?
Yes, instructions on Google Classroom, “Taking Assessments Online.”
My friends and I were talking story and I didn't hear the bell ring. I came into class late...I get a free pass right???
Negatory! You're tardy.
Last weekend, I was onoing Zippy's SO bad. I couldn't decide on what to get, so I ordered the Zip Pac Delux AND a Chili Moco. I stopped by Rainbow's and grabbed a slush float on the way to the beach. It seemed like a lot of food to eat in one sitting, but how do I check if my BMI is still in the normal range?
Take your height (convert to inches)
Take your weight (lbs)
Plug into formula and check a BMI chart.
What time is homework due?
11:59pm on the due date
What is the variable for initial principal balance?
How long do I have to wait in between attempts to retake a quiz on Moodle?
2 Days
Ok, so this time I was at another teacher's room. I was asking them questions, but the bell just rang for my next period! Oh no!
I can just show up to my next class, the teacher won't mind. Or, is there something I need to to?
What is BMI anyway?
Body Mass Index
My homework ended up all kapakai.
Is this my final grade?
No! Redo the homework until you get the BEST GRADE YOU CAN before the due date.
What is the difference between the variables n and t ?
N = the number of times interest is applied per time period
T = number of times periods elapsed
How do I show my work since it's all online?
Take picture of work and submit to Google Classroom for EACH attempt.
On the way to school there was a car accident. This will be my second time coming late because of traffic!!
AND on top of that, yesterday I was tardy because I reallly wanted to take this funny video for instagram.
Go straight to the office when you get to campus and explain the situation AND...
What are the two ways to solve for BMI based on the notes?
1. Substitute then solve.
2. Rewrite the formula, substitute, then solve.
I got locked out of MOODLE and it's 11:30pm!
Will I still be able to turn it in if I ask the teacher to reopen the link for me tomorrow?
No! Don't wait until the last minute to attempt the homework!
1) Inform your teacher as soon as you find out you cannot log in for an assignment.
2)*Email Mr. Ida if teacher gives you permission to access the missed assignment. He is admin for the Moodle Account.
What is the variable for interest rate?
How is it written in a formula?
Decimal Form
When do I schedule test or quiz retakes?
Can I just show up after school?
No, please schedule this with the teacher in advance.
Today our ENTIRE class earned free time at the end of the period, but I didn't finish the class notes or the homework, and it's due tomorrow.
My brain hurts and I sorta need a break. Am I allowed to talk with my friends right now?
However, it is your kuleana to practice self-management and get all classwork completed ON TIME!
What are the two formulas to solve for BMI?
BMI = weight(lb)*703/height(in)2
BMI = weight(kg)/height(m)2
I really didn't understand the lesson notes and I still keep getting a bad grade on the homework.
What can I do?
1) Let the teacher know I'm not getting it?
2) Just play some video games online?
3) Find a classmate and ask for help?
4) Suffer in silence for the rest of the semester?
1) Let the teacher know I'm not getting it;
3) Find a classmate and ask for help.
What is the formula for compound interest rate?
A = P(1+r)nt/n
What are the tasks I completed to ace this test?
Reviewed all chapter lesson notes
Wrote down ALL formulas in my math notebook
Wrote down examples in my math notebook
Completed ALL Moodle homework
Completed ALL quizzes before the test
Completed the study guide