4.1 The Genetic Code
4.2 Protein Syntheiss
4.3 Mutations
During DNA replication, adenine (A) always pairs with a. guanine (G). b. cytosine (C). c.thymine (T). d. adenine (A).
What is c. thymine (T).
Where does protein synthesis take place? a. in the ribosomes in the nucleus of the cell b. on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell c. in the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell d. on the chromosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell
What is b. on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell
A change in DNA is called a(n) ____________________.
What is mutation.
Cancer is a disease in which cells _________________. a. grow and divide uncontrollably. b. die before they can mature. c. stop producing DNA. d. die during mitosis.
What is a. grow and divide uncontrollably.
The process of making proteins is called protein ______________.
What is synthesis.
All of the following nitrogen bases in RNA are part of DNA, except a. adenine. b. guanine. c. cytosine d. uracil.
What is d. uracil.
TRUE/FALSE Amino acids are carried to a ribosome by messenger RNA.
What is false, transfer.
A mutation can occur if a base pair is _____________, deleted, or substituted for another.
What is added.
Scientists think cancer begins when ___________________ a. a mutation occurs in DNA. b. a cell divides too slowly. c. DNA replication stops. d. cells stop growing.
What is a. a mutation occurs in DNA.
What is a cancer tumor? a. a group of cells in the bloodstream b. a mass of normal cells c. a mass of abnormal cells d. a mass of cells that don’t divide
What is c. a mass of abnormal cells
The genetic code is found in the order of nitrogen ____________________ along a gene.
What is bases.
What does messenger RNA do during protein synthesis? a. copies the coded message from the DNA and carries it into the cytoplasm b. copies the coded message from the DNA and carries it into the nucleus c. carries amino acids and adds them to the growing protein d. copies the coded message from the protein and carries it into the nucleus
What is a. copies the coded message from the DNA and carries it into the cytoplasm.
Explain the difference between a addition, deletion and substitution mutation.
What is addition mutation is when a base pair is added. A deletion mutation is when a base pair is taken away. Substitution mutation is when a base pair is changed for another base pair.
What is chemotherapy?
What is the use of drugs to treat a disease.
The sides of a DNA molecule are made up of sugar molecules alternating with _____________________ molecules.
What is phosphate.
What are the pairs of nitrogen bases in DNA?
What is adenine with thymine, cytosine with guanine.
____________________ RNA adds amino acids to a growing protein.
What is transfer.
How do mutations lead to cancer?
What is they disrupt the cell cycle and cause cells to divide in an uncontrollable way.
How many different types of cancer are there? a. 10 b. over 100 c. over 500 d. over 1,000
What is b. over 100.
The sides of RNA and DNA molecules are made up of different _________________.
What is sugars.
Each group of three DNA bases on a gene codes for a single ________________________. .
What is amino acid.
A set of three bases codes for one specific ____________________ in a protein.
What is amino acid.
Explain how a mutation can be beneficial, harmful and/or neither.
What is a harmful mutation reduces the organism’s chances for survival and reproduction. A helpful mutation increases an organism’s chances for survival and reproduction. A mutation that does not increase nor decrease an organism's chance for survival nor reproduction is neither harmful or helpful.
Cancer can spread when cells break off a tumor and are carried through the body by the ____________________.
What is bloodstream.
Each ___________ on a chromosome contains the information to code for one specific protein.
What is gene.