Posted his Theses that started the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Founder of the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits
St. Ignatius Loyola
Seven Sacraments
How many years did it take for the Council of Trent to complete its work?
An artistic movement or dramatic style in art, architecture, and music originating around 1600 that, among other goals, sought to emphasize the truth of Catholic doctrine through direct emotional connection.
Baroque Era
Believed in the notion of predestination, that God chooses a path to salvation for some and knows this at the time of their birth
John Calvin
Doctor of the Church, Bishop of Geneva. Combatted Calvinism through sermons on love, compassion, understanding.
St. Francis de Sales
Baptism and Communion are the main sacraments
What is the Council's response to sola scriptura?
What is the name of the mass where it is done in Latin and the priest mostly faces East?
Tridentine Mass
Created the Church of England after the Pope would not grant him a divorce
King Henry VIII
Founded the Order of the Visitation of the Holy Mary provide a place for widows and young women not wanting a cloistered religious life.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Belief in Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide
What is the Council's response to Sola Fide
Catholics believe salvation is through faith, Baptism, hope, charity and good works
Place where priests are trained to be priests.
Created the reform movement in Switzerland, removed images and music from church services
Ulrich Zwingli
Began the Daughters of Charity, and set up houses to minister to the poor and collect clothing. Created Vincentian seminaries to train priests.
St. Vincent de Paul
Belief in predestination
The Council banned books Catholics can read, the name of that list is...
Index of Forbidden Books
How many theses did Martin Luther post on the Church door?
Brought Presbyterianism to Scotland, believing that all people could be "presybters" or priests
John Knox
Reintroduced the faith in Germany as a Jesuit. Refused to debate Protestants but instead engaged in charity and good will.
St. Peter Canisius
Belied in transubstantiation
The Council reaffirmed the authority of who?
The Pope
Mr. Curley's middle name.