the word for birthday?
What is tanjobi
word for large/big
what is ookii
the word for beautiful
what is kirei
the word for swim
what is oyogu
what is ishoni
The word for Homework
What is Shukudai
the word for fun
what is tanoshi
the word for quiet
what is shizuka
the word for ask/to ask
what is kiku
what is sugoki
The word for drink
What is nomimono
the word for frightening
the word for to dislike/ disgusted
what is noru
the word for its okay
what is dijobu
the word for weather
What is tenki
the word for good looking/cool
what is kakoii
what is dekirai
what is yoru
the word for very
what is tetemo
word for holiday
What is yasumi
the word for boring
what is sumaranai
the word for lively
what is nigiyaka
what is dekakeru
the word for counter for flat objects
what is mai