What is the name of a trait that is MASKED by another trait?
What is a Recessive Traits
This is in the nucleus and it has THREADLIKE structures.
What are chromosomes
What is an organism's genetic material known as?
What is DNA
What Is Heredity?
The passing of traits from parents to offspring
Wings are a ____ trait
What is Dominant
During the 1850s Mendel did controlled breeding experiments with what?
What is PEAS
when 2 alleles of a gene are different it is known as _____.
What is Heterozygous?
_______ - is a molecule made of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate group
What is a Nucleotide
Whats the difference between a phenotype and a genotype
A phenotype is how it is expressed and a genotype controls the phenotype
The only way to see a legless drake is if you have a what?
What is a double recessive
Pollination occurs when pollen lands on the ____ of a flower
What is a PISTIL
The two alleles that control the ____ of a trait are called the trait’s ____.
What are the Genotypes and Phenotype
Segments of DNA that are not parts of genes are called what?
What is Junk DNA
What is gene
A section on a chromosome that has genetic information for one trait
If one parent is faded and one parent is deep then the offspring will be what?
If Mendel pollinated a cross-breeding purple flower and a true breeding white flower what percent of offspring would be purple?
What is 50%
What model is alternative to the Punnet Square that helps determine Genotypes?
What is a Pedigree?
What are 2 types of mutations
Choose 1 and answer
What does either
Substitution, Insertion, or Deletion do?
In a deletion mutation one or more nitrogen bases are left out of the DNA sequence
In an insertion mutation one or more nitrogen bases are added to the DNA
In a substitution mutation one nitrogen base is replaced by a different one
What would happen if you have 1 parent with armor and 1 parent with no armor
what is having half armor/50 percent armor
What were 2 reasons Mendel chose to breed with pea plants?
They reproduce quickly
They have easily observable traits
He could control which plants reproduced
when multiple genes determine the phenotype of a trait is known as _____
What is Polygenic Inheritance
What are 2 types of RNA?
Messenger RNA
Transfer RNA
Ribosmal RNA
What do 3 of the letters stand for in ACTG
Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and Guanine
What would an offspring look like if it had
1 wingless 1 winged
2 legless
2 armor
1 faded 1 deep
It would have wings no legs full armor and be deep