What are the two important planning outcomes when developing an IEP?
The student needs to try to have self-determination and their quality of life should try to be improved by the end
What is the minimum amount of times that an IEP team should meet per year per student?
One time per year
What is person-centered planning?
Groups of people who focus on an individual and create a vision of what will lead that person to a higher quality of life
What law was put into action to make sure the individuals IEP is followed and students have the same access to education as other peers who do not have a disability?
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
What if the parent/guardian can't make the meeting time and their schedule is too busy to come in person?
Conference call or web cam is allowed
What is the person-centered planning called personal futures planning?
It is intended to provide a positive approach for planning life activities for persons of various ages who have disabilities.
What does the term transitional services mean and what age should a student with disabilities start to develop it?
Transitional Services are indicated in the IEP by a statement of measurable postsecondary goals. This statement must begin no later then the age of 16.
What is one thing that should be discussed in the meeting?
Present level of performance
Annual goals
Individualized supports and services
Students strengths and where to improve
What is one of the three steps that comprise the personal future planning process?
1) Developing a personal profile of the focus individual
2) Developing a plan for the person
3) Forming a network of support that ensures the individual has people who are committed to supporting them in various ways
When stating transitional services, what is one of the four goals that it should focus on?
Student's skills in areas of training, education, employment, and, when appropriate, independent living skills
True or False:
Parents are entitled to a copy of their child’s IEP at no charge, and all school personnel are responsible in some way for implementing the IEP and they must know what their roles and obligations are. They must also be given access to the child’s IEP
What does COACH stand for and what does it mean?
It is similar to other person-centered planning approaches in that it focuses on using interviews with parents to identify important life values and learning outcomes for students with significant disabilities, but is different in that it is designed to lead directly to the development of the development of annual goals, short-term objectives, and support systems to be included on the IEP
What is the acronym that the women in the YouTube video used to describe what the content should be for an IEP and what does it mean?
Time bound
Name all the people that should be in the IEP team:
Parent(s)/guardians of the student
At least 1 general education teacher, if student is, or might be, participating in general ed class
At least 1 special education teacher or, where appropriate, at least 1 special education provider
A school district representative to make sure the child gets the services that are implemented
Individual who can interpret the data, usually a school psychologist
Other individuals, usually related services personnel
Whenever appropriate, the student
What is the primary goals of personal futures planning?
Its primary goal is to help groups of people who are personally close to the person with disabilities to plan ways in which this individual can, "develop personal relationships, have positive roles in the community life, increase their control of their own lives, and develop the skills and abilities to achieve these goals." (Mount and Zwernik, 1988, p1) Also: (Westling, Carter, Fox, Chapter 5, pg 97)