In ____________, Congress asked the states to organize their governments. Each state adopted a state constitution.
May 1776
In 1787 former continental army captain_________ in about 1200 supporters revolted in Massachusetts.
Daniel Shays
The___________ was used as a reference for the assembly to have some control over colonial governors.
English Magna Carta
A ________ is a government in which the people rule through elected representatives.
______________ Constitution replace the office entirely within elected 12 person council?
In ______________, Hamilton called for a convention, or meeting in Philadelphia to discuss trade issues.
September 1786
___________ and _________ writings helped influence James Madison on the Bill of Rights.
John Locke and Montesquieu
Their goal was establish ______________, in which the powers of government are strictly defined.
limited government
The Articles of Confederation was created in __________?
November 1777
____________ would create three branches: a two house, legislator, a chief executive chosen by the legislator and a court system.
James Madison
_______________ create laws, regulate commerce, and controls taxes and spending.
Legislative Branch
The 10 amendments that addressed the individual rights issue was known as the__________.
Bill of Rights
_________ became the 12th state to approve the articles.
____________ of Virginia open the convention with a surprise. He proposed the Virginia plan that called for a strong national government.
Edmund Randolph
_____________ Elects the president and vice president.
Electoral College
The Supreme Court has the power of _____________, allowing it to review laws and actions for constitutionality.
judicial review
By _________ due to over printing money currency in the United States had depreciated.
On _____________, the delegates assembled to sign the Constitution they had created.
September 17, 1787
On December 7, 1787,__________ became the first state to approve the Constitution.
The main job of the executive branch is to ___________ and carry out laws passed by Congress.