All about the French
American Revolution
The Wars
The Acts

What religion were many Canadiens people?



What were the names of the two groups that people were separated into during the American Revolution?

Loyalists and Patriots 


Name the 3 wars we learnt about in these two chapters

Seven Years War, American War of Independence, the War of 1812 


What two main things did the Royal Proclamation do?

Tried to assimilate the French, and created the Proclamation line, separating Quebec and Indian Territory 


What did the Mi'kmaq call their homeland?



How many Acadians were deported during The Great Deportation?


Who was the leader of the Patriots?

George Washington 


How did Britain gain control of Acadia?

Through the Treaty of Utrecht, when France was defeated by the British in a war in Europe 


Why did the British create the Royal Proclamation?

They needed a way to establish peace in North America after they gained full control of it 


When Quebec was separated into Upper Canada and Lower Canada, which area was French and which area was British? 

Upper Canada - British

Lower Canada - French


Name the three acts that affected the Canadiens 

Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act, Constitutional Act 


Why did the American Revolution start?

Britain was in debt after the Seven Years War and tried to raise taxes in the Thirteen Colonies to pay for it 

What was the name of the most important battle of the Seven Years War?

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham


Why did the British create the Quebec Act?

Quebec remained a mostly French place, and with the fighting in the Thirteen Colonies they wanted to make the French happy so they would not go against them as well 

Describe what happened in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?

The British captured Quebec and the French retreated to Montreal. After, the French came to Quebec and surrounded the British. Both groups were waiting for support to come to their aid and the British got there first 


What two areas of land were the French allowed to keep after the Treaty of Paris?

Guadeloupe and a small area in Newfoundland 


What did the British offer the Black Loyalists if they came to British North America?

Freedom and a farm 


What started the War of 1812?

France had overthrown their monarch and other countries with monarchs, like Britain, went to war against France for this 


What was the name of the Act that created Upper and Lower Canada?

The Constitutional Act 


What was the name of the two oaths the British wanted the Acadians to do and what did each oath mean?

Oath of Neutrality - the Acadians would swear not to fight with the French or British if they went to war

Oath of Allegiance - when war seemed likely, they wanted the Acadians to swear they would fight with the British against the French 


What did the French negotiate with the British during the Treaty of Paris? 

They negotiated guarantees that the British would not retaliate against the French allies, the First Nations 


How did the American Revolution and arrival of the Loyalists impact the Canadiens living in British North America?

They were worried the British would not honour the Quebec Act and they would lose their rights again


Why did the First Nations choose to ally with the British instead of the Patriots during the American Revolution?

The Patriots had completely taken over their territory and gave them no land, whereas the British at least allowed them some land even while taking over most of it


Name 3 things the Quebec Act did for the Canadiens

Allowed Catholics to practice their religion, allowed Canadiens to hold government positions, reinstated French civil law, extended the boundaries of Quebec 


How did the Loyalist Migration and the end of the American Revolution change the way that the British made treaties with the First Nations?

Before - treaties were negotiated for peace and friendship

After - treaties were negotiated for the British to take over land from the First Nations 
