Listening to a patients heart is known as
What is cardiomegaly?
enlargement of the heart
Procedure to circulate the blood and ventilate the lungs after a patient has stopped breathing and the heart has stopped
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
What is thrombolytic drugs?
treats a blood clot
What does HTN stand for?
What is the myocardium?
muscular layer of the heart
what is angina pectoris?
mild to severe chest pain caused by ischemia of the myocardium
Procedure to treat an arrhythmia (atrial flutter atrial fibrillation, or ventricular tachycardia) that cannot be controlled with antiarrhythmic drugs
What is an anti-coagulant?
prevents blood clots from forming
What does AMI mean?
acute myocardial infarction
What unique structure is found in the fetal heart?
foramen ovale
what is arteriosclerosis?
progressive degenerative changes that produce a narrowed, hardened artery
Nuclear medicine procedure that combines a cardiac exercise stress test with intravenous injections of a radioactive tracer
myocardial perfusion scan
What is an over-the-counter drug that prevents heart attacks?
What does MR mean?
mitral regurgitation
what is the pacemaker of the heart?
SA node
What is peripheral vascular disease?
any disease of the arteries of the extremities
Procedure in which radiopaque contrast dye is injected into a blood vessel to fill and outline it
what is diuretic drugs?
blocks sodium from being absorbed from the tubule back into the blood
What doe RBBB stand for?
Right bundle branch block
Where does the blood low in oxygen come into the heart?
the superior and inferior vena cava
what is hyperlipidemia?
elevated levels of lipids in the blood
Nuclear medicine procedure that uses the radioactive tracer technetium 99
Multiple-gated acquisition Scan (MUGA), Radionuclide Ventriculography (RVN, or gated blood pool scan
What are ACE inhibitor drug?
angiotensin converting enzyme
What does PTCA mean?
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty