The NV is used to emphasize some part of your verbal message
What is Accent?
You may use focused eye contact, a firm stance and open gestures for this strategy.
What is to be believed?
This channel of nvc uses body gestures.
What is kinesics?
This channel of nvc allows the speaker and listener time to think, or show solemnity, or as a weapon to hurt others.
What is silence?
One can use this in place of verbal communication, like nodding your head for "yes."
What is substitute?
This strategy will have you looking sad, covering your face with your hands and shaking your head.
What is to excuse failure?
This channel of nvc using the eyes to communicate nonverbally.
What is oculesics?
These two skills will help your competence in nvc.
What are decoding and encoding skills?
This can add nuances of meaning that isn't communicated by your verbal communication.
What is complement?
You may wear flattering clothes or makeup.
What is to hide faults?
This channel of nvc uses space to communicate nonverbally.
What is proxemics?
This category of kinesics coordinates, monitors, maintains or controls the speaking of another individual.
What are regulators?
This can be used if you want to indicate that you want to speak or to send the message that you are not finished speaking.
What is Control?
You might dress the part of a leader or display your awards where others can see them.
What is to be followed?
This channel of nvc uses touch to communicate nonverbally.
What is haptics?
These body gestures communicate emotional meaning.
What are affect displays?
If you wink or cross your fingers while stating something, you are doing this.
What is contradict?
This nonverbal message will help communicate your attractiveness.
What is use animations,
or nod & lean forward,
or smile,
or make eye contact,
or listen at least the same amount of time that you speak,
or use vocal variation,
or smell good
This channel of nvc uses body adornment, clothing and color to communicate nonverbally.
What is artifactual communication?
The way you use this channel of nvc can get you into trouble.
What is chronemics?