What is Departmentalization?
Creating a group whose members accomplish goals.
What is a project manger
a person assigned to develop and execute a project plan
Culture, what is it
Shared beliefs, customs, practices, and socail behavior of a group or nation
rules and behavior based on a groups ideas
Code of ethics
Document that dictates how business is conducted
What is the Chain of Command?
The authority structure in a company otherwise known as line of authority.
What is team work
cooperative efforts by individual members to achieve a goal
Corporate culture
How employes and owners think, feel, and act as a business
a persons action of honesty
conflict of interest
exsits when employees has competing loyaltys or intreast
WHat is unity of command?
Stated each emplpyee reports to one manger
WHat is span of control
Number of who report to a manger
Social responsibility
behaving sensitivity to socail, enviormental, and economic issues
an individuals ideas of what is right and wrong
means that specific information about a company or it employees is not shared
What is an organization called if the business rests on senior mangement?
Centeralized organization
exsits when a manger has only a few employee that he/she directs
Narrow span of control
Corporate social responsibility
actions take by a business to promote socail good
business ethics
rules for professional conduct and integrity in all areas of business
Customer service
way a business provides services before, during, and after sale
Authority given to each manger of a department
What is a Decentralized organization
Manger controls many employees
wide span of control
CSR is also a....
internal stragety
business ethics help guide managers and employees to make...
correct decisions
customer-focused mindset
attitude that customer satisfaction always comes first