Who is the Roman author who argued that the universe must have a designer?
Who is the founder of comparative anatomy?
Georges Cuvier
Who is the Protestant pastor who wrote the first botanical work to use illustrations based on actual plants?
Otto Brunfels
Who is the father of Anatomy?
Andreas Vesalius
Who is the English physician who discovered blood circulation?
William Harvey
Who is the Puritan clergyman involved in the formation of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge?
John Wilkins
Who is the lawyer and geologist whose work greatly influenced Darwin's ideas?
Charles Lyell
What is the two books in which Darwin explained his evolutionary ideas?
Origin of Species & Descent of Man
What are the three features in human embryos that supposedly provide evidence for evolution?
gill slits (pharyngeal arches); tail; yolk sac
Who are the two supposed whale ancestors discussed in the text?
Pakicetus & Ambulocetus
How does homology provide evidence of a designer?
Similar structure in different organisms suggests that they were all designed by the same Designer.
What is the key distinction between speciation and macroevolution?
Speciation redistributes or loses existing information, but macroevolution requires new information.
How do rock pocket mice demonstrate natural selection?
The mouse coat color that matches the color of the ground in an area is more common in that area.
Explain why antibiotic resistance in bacteria is not an example of evolution?
Antibiotic resistance in bacteria either already exist or comes through a mutation that destroys information.
Differentiate between the tree of life and the lawn views.
tree of life is an evolutionary view, with man and all organisms descended from a single common ancestor while lawn view is the incorrect idea that all species were created as they are now with no changes within a kind.
Why is one's worldview important when studying science?
One's worldview determines how he interprets scietific facts.
what is the new name of the evolutionist give to the old idea of spontaneous generations?
What was the faith upon which Darwin based his work?
uniformitarianism (or materialism)
How do "vestigial organs" fail to support evolution?
All the supposedly vestigial organs are vital to life.
Why are four-winged fruit flies not an example of evolution?
The mutation that causes the extra pair of wings is harmful, leaving the flies so badly handicapped that they can reproduce only in the laboratory.
Explain how the ideas of Aristotle influenced man during the Middle Ages.
By accepting Aristotle's ideas, peoples during the Middle Ages worshipped nature; and because they did not understand nature, they feared it. Superstitious worship and fear of nature kept them from studying the world around them and using it for their benefit.
Explain how the experiments of Redi and Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation.
Redi showed that flies develop from eggs laid by flies, not from decaying meat. Pasteur showed that not even the simplest organisms can develop from nonliving matter; his flask experiments showed that bacteria that grow in broth come from the air rather than being formed in the broth.
What is the idea that everything is material, and nothing is spiritual?
What bible truth is confirmed by the design in creation?
The God of eternal power created the universe.
What is the idea of studying science based on faith in God as Creator?
Creation Science