What did France lose after the French and Indian War?
Their land in North America
What was taxed under the Stamp Act?
Legal documents: Newspapers, Almanacs, Wills, Marriage Licenses, Diplomas, Dice, Playing Cards, etc.
Who defended the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial?
John Adams
When people refuse to buy products or services, normally for a political purpose, this is called:
What came first- The Boston Massacre or the Boston Tea Party?
Boston Massacre
The Albany Plan of Union called for-
Unifying the 13 colonies under one government
The Proclamation of 1763 declared-
Colonists could not settle the Ohio Valley
This was the name of the Iroquois delegate at the Albany congress who made an alliance with the British and American Colonies.
What did the colonists do to British tax collectors that key figures in the revolution described as "Barbaric"
Tar and Feather
After Pontiac's War, what was the name of the law placed by the British shortly after to have more control over their colonies?
Proclamation of 1763
What Native American tribes allied with France during the war?
The Huron and Algonquin tribes
What were the Writs of Assistance?
Legal document that enabled British soldiers to search colonial homes and ships for smuggled goods
The Sons of Liberty was led by Sam Adams, Dr. Joseph Warren and who else?
John Hancock
Who were the minutemen?
Local Militia trained in the Colonies
What came out of the Lancaster, Pennsylvania Treaty (1744)?
Conasstego, the leader of the Onondaga Iroquois made an alliance with the British
Although the Townshend Act was repealed by the British, what product did they continue to tax?
Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union?
Ben Franklin
What series of laws were placed by Parliament to enforce mercantilism in the colonies?
The Navigation Acts
The Sons of Liberty and the term "No Taxation Without Representation!" began to form directly after which act was placed on the colonies?
The Townshend Act
The poster portraying a chopped-up snake with the text "Join us or die". This design/idea was inspired by which group?
The Iroquois Confederacy
Who was the Prime Minister of Britain that decided to raise taxes on the colonies to pay off Britain's debt?
George Grenville
Who was the governor of Massachusetts in 1774?
General Thomas Gage
What was the name of the pub in which the Sons of Liberty met to discuss their protests and boycotts?
Green Dragon Public House
True or False: Spain ruled the Louisiana territory prior to the war