Authoritarian decision-making is what?
One person makes decisions for everyone.
True or False: Democracies should only listen the majority since that's how democracy works.
False! Even if you're a minority, you're still a part of the country. Everyone's wants and needs should be taken into consideration.
True or False: Authoritarian governments typically have a dictator as their head of the government.
True! Dictators almost always have an authoritarian government, meaning they can make decisions for everyone without resistance from the government.
What does Hobbes believe about humans?
Which came first: Greek Polis or enfranchisement (Indigenous people earning the right the vote)?
Greek Polis: it was the first form of modern democracy.
Democratic decision-making is what?
Everyone votes on decisions and the majority vote wins.
What is the purpose of a constitution?
To ensure everyone has the same rights and freedoms
How do authoritarian governments maintain control over their country?
What does Rousseau believe about humans?
Rousseau believes humans are naturally good.
Which came first: Iroquois Confederacy or American Revolution?
Iroquois Confederacy: it inspired the American constitution.
Consensus decision-making is what?
Everyone has to agree on the decision being made.
What might happen to a representative (think Wab Kinew) in an upcoming election if they don't do what the people ask them to do?
They could get voted out and replaced by someone else.
Consensus governments were used by what cultural group?
Indigenous peoples in Canada
A government should be all powerful and people should follow them fully.
Which came first: Suffrage Movement (women earning voting rights) or the Indian Act?
Indian Act: the Canadian government takes control over Indigenous groups and land.
Provide an examples of authoritarian decision-making.
A coach decides who is starting in the game.
Why is a low literacy rate an obstacle to democracy?
How do democratic governments maintain control over their country?
Through advertising, public service announcements, and their people's belief in that laws should be followed
What does Rousseau think about government and its citizens?
Government should benefit the people and if it does not, the people can remove and replace the government.
Which came first: Suffrage Movement (women earning the right to vote) or enfranchisement (Indigenous people earning the right the vote)?
Provide an example of democratic decision-making.
Voting on what movie the school will watch for movie night.
Give an example of racism or ethnic differences that was or is an obstacle for democracy.
The Holocaust, Holodomor, Rwandan Genocide, conflicts between Israel and Palestine, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2-Spirit people
Political parties all have the same goal. What is it?
To have their candidate win an election
What revolution did Rousseau's ideas inspire?
Hint: it's in Europe!
French Revolution
Which came first: American Revolution or French Revolution?
American Revolution - it inspired the French to overthrow their king and queen.