Verb Tenses
Irregular Verbs
Progressive Verbs

The main word in the complete predicate of the sentence that tells what the simple subject does or is (simple predicate)

What is a verb?


Identify the simple subject and verb.

Bella went on vacation with her family.

Simple subject: Bella

Verb: went


Identify the simple subject and verb + verb tense.

A few students completed their project in a singular day.

Simple subject: students

Verb: completed

Verb tense: past


Choose the correct verb form.

Adam (told/tell) his mom about his day at school.

Adam told his mom about his day at school.


Write the correct progressive form of the verb to complete the sentence.

The small kitten _____ (play) with the ball of yarn. (past)

The small kitten was playing with the ball of yarn.


A type of verb that helps the main verb (which tells the action of the subject)

What is a helping verb?


Identify the simple subject and verb.

The bedazzled sneakers are covered in filth.

Simple subject: sneakers

Verb: are


Identify the simple subject and verb + verb tense.

This cat's whiskers will grow up to six inches.

Simple subject: whiskers

Verb: will grow

Verb tense: future


Write the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

The entire family had _____ (wore) matching clothes for the Fourth of July.

The entire family had worn matching clothes for the Fourth of July.


Write the correct progressive form of the verb to complete the sentence.

I _____ (sing) a hymn with the church choir next Sunday. (future)

I will be singing a hymn with the church choir next Sunday. 


A tense verb that tells about something that will happen in the future; makes use of the helping verb will

What is a future-tense verb?


Identify the simple subject and verb.

I have a collection of sonny angels.

Simple subject: I

Verb: have


Write the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

I _____ (go) to tutor after school yesterday. (past)

I went to tutor after school yesterday.

Choose the correct verb form.

They (swum/swam) in the lake on a hot summer day.

They swam in the lake on a hot summer day.


Identify the simple subject and progressive verb + verb tense.

Next fall my family will be traveling to Switzerland.

Simple subject: family

Progressive verb: will be traveling

Verb tense: future


Verbs that do not add -ed when changed to the past tense 

What are irregular verbs?


Identify the simple subject and verb.

Some flowers rest in the garden at the mansion.

Simple subject: flowers

Verb: rest


Write the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

He _____ (eat) cereal with milk. (future)

He will eat cereal with milk.


Write the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

Daisy has _____ (make) the decision to become vegetarian.

Daisy has made the decision to become vegetarian.


Identify the simple subject and progressive verb + verb tense.

The kangaroo and hippopotamus (was/were) _____ watching the bird groom its feathers. 

The kangaroo and hippopotamus were watching the bird groom its feathers.

Simple subject (s) / compound subject: kangaroo, hippopotamus

Progressive verb: were watching

Verb tense: past


A type of verb that shows continuing action (can be past, present, or future tense; are written with a form of the verb be as a helping verb and a verb that ends in -ing

What is a progressive verb?


Identify the simple subject and verb.

Lily and her brother want to go to the park tomorrow.

Simple subject (s) / compound subject: Lily, brother

Verb: want


Identify the simple subject and verb + verb tense.

Ruby and Max will play with their friends.

Simple subject (s) / compound subject: Ruby, Max

Verb: will play

Verb tense: future


Choose the correct verb form.

Police have (runned, run) after robbers in broad daylight.

Police have run after robbers in broad daylight.


Identify the simple subject and progressive verb + verb tense.

I (is/am) _____ (hope) to finish my book soon.

I am hoping to finish my book soon.

Simple subject: I

Progressive verb: am hoping

Verb tense: present
