What is a population?
group of individuals of the same species occupying a certain area
What important information about Tropical Forest you need to know?
Vertically layered
Competition for light is intense
Rainfall constant
Tropical dry forests
What important information about Northern Coniferous Forest you need to know?
Largest terrestrial biome
Periodic droughts + others (coast wet)
Winters: Cold
Summer: May be hot
photic vs aphotic zone
photic: light for photosynthesis
aphotic: little light
Describe important parts for wetlands
Adapted to water-saturated soil
High Organic production, decomposition, and low dissolved oxygen
Develop in shallow basins
Among the most productive biomes
What is the definition of community versus ecosystem?
Ecosystem: Interaction between community + their environment + abiotic factors
What important information about Desert you need to know?
Temperature variably seasonally and daily
Low vegetation + low precipitation
What important information about Temperate Broadleaf Forest you need to know?
Precipitation fall all season
Winter: 0 degrees C
Summers: hot + humid
Vertical layers, closed canopy, understory trees, shrub layer, and herb layer
Deciduous trees
Lakes have two zones and seasonal thermocline
Describe them...
Littoral: close to shore + Shallow
Limnetic: far from shore + deeper
Oligotropic: nutrient poor + oxygen rich
Eutrophic lakes: nutrient rich + oxygen poor
describe the importance of streams and rivers
Current: streams + rivers
Headwaters: cold, clear, turbulent, swift, oxygen-rich, narrow and rocky.
Diversity of fishes and invertebrates
What are the air flows on the Earth Surface that helps with the global wind patterns
Prevailing westerlies blow from west to east in the temperature zones.
What important information about Savanna you need to know?
Dry seasons last 8-9 months
Fire-adapted + tolerant to drought
24-29 degrees C
Grasses + Forbs
What important information about Tundra you need to know?
Arctic tundra + alpine tundra
Winter: cold
Summers: relatively cold
Vegetation: herbaceous
Ocean have three zones.
Describe them...
neritic: close to shore + shallow
oceanic: far from shore + deeper
Importance of Estuaries
between river and sea
Salinity varies: rise and fall of tides
Nutrient rich + highly productive
Tidal channels, islands, natural levees, and mudflats.
Describe the air flows on mountains?
Rising cool air release moisture on the windward side of a peak and creates a rain shadow as it absorbs moisture on the leeward side.
The precipitation usually occur on the leeward side.
What important information about Chaparral you need to know?
Rainy winters, dry summers
Shrubs, small trees, grasses, and herbs
Adapt to fire + drought
Freshwater versus Marine biomes
Marine: about 3% salt concentration + oceans
Freshwater: < 0.1% salt concentration
Open water or on the bottom:
Describe the zone.
Pelagic zone: open water with photic and aphotic zones
benthic zone: sediment on bottom
abyssal zone: deep aphotic zone
Oceanic pelagic zone
zone is mixed by wind-driven oceanic currents
Turnovers in photic zones; year-round stratification in tropical oceans - lower nutrients
70% of the Earth's Surface
What are the biotic and abiotic factors you need to know?
Predation, herbivory, competition, mutualism, parasitism
Temperature, water and oxygen, salinity, rocks and soil.
What important information about Temperate Grassland you need to know?
Winter: cold + dry
Summer: Hot + wet
Describe the process and the term that describe the boundary.
Term: Thermocline
Separates the warm upper layer from the cold deeper water
Many lakes undergo a semiannual mixing of their waters, mix oxygenated water from the surface with nutrient-rich water from the bottom
Intertidal zones
challenges in temperature and salinity and by mechanism forces of wave action.
Oxygen + nutrient levels High
substrate varies sandy to rocky
coral reefs
photic zone
requires high oxygen concentration and solid substrate for attachment
Fringing reef to a barrier reef to a coral atoll.