Infancy and Childhood
Adolescence & Identity
Adulthood, Old Age & Facing Death
Gender and Culture
Parenting Styles

Infants with this type of attachment use their mother as the base for exploration, show her the toys in the room, and make eye contact with her. The infant shows some distress when the mother leaves and when she comes back, the child goes to her with delight before returning to playing with the toys.

What is secure attachment?


An adolescent's concern with decisions about the future and the quest for self-understanding.

Follow up question: What is a crisis?

What is an identity crisis?


A period of reassessing goals, setting new ones, and preparing for the rest of life.

Follow up questions: What might cause midlife transition? How might a midlife transition resemble an adolescence identity crisis?

What is midlife transition?


The different activities that society expects of males and females. 

What are gender roles?


Sarah's parents pick her up from school everyday, always take her shopping when she asks them to, and are overall very loving however, they don't really have any expectations for her nor do they scold her when she does something wrong. Which type of parenting do they exhibit?

What is permissive parenting?


A genetic factor that explains why some children develop more secure attachments than others. 

What is temperament?


These types of behaviors are very prominent during adolescence. Some examples may include: swimming with alligators, taking unknown pills at a party, and riding a bike down a staircase.

What are risk-taking behaviors?

Coping with the fear of death by avoiding thoughts about death and by affirming a world view that provides self-esteem, hope, and value in life.

What is terror-management theory?

Mexican immigrants speak Spanish and follow Mexican customs at home but speak English at work or school and follow U.S. customs outside of their home.
What is biculturalism?

Carl's parents expect him to get good grades and do what they say without question. They also tend not to show an interest in what Carl likes or provide emotional support. Which type of parenting do they exhibit?

What is authoritarian parenting?


A parents plays with a child then suddenly shifts to an unresponsive, expressionless face. 

Follow up question: Infants that look at the parent with little sign of distress might fall into what category?

What is the Still-Face Paradigm?


Used to explain impulsive behavior in adolescents. It is important for inhibiting inappropriate behaviors, slow to mature, and does not reach full maturity until late tens or early 20s.

What is the prefrontal cortex?


According to Erikson, people that have reached old age and feel a sense of satisfaction with their lives experience...

What is ego integrity?


How do males and females differ in their interests from childhood to adulthood?

Males tend to focus on one interest. Females tend to develop a variety of interests.


Lily's parents have a set of strict rules and expect her to earn good grades, however, they are also very encouraging and loving. Whenever Lily feels their rules are unfair, her parents are open to talking it out with her. Which type of parenting do they exhibit?

What is authoritative parenting?


The infant doesn't seem to notice the mother or looks away while approaching her (may also cover their face or lie on the floor). The infant shows more fear than affection. 

What is disorganized attachment?


Alex is an undeclared college sophomore. He has always had a passion for teaching and helping others. He has also always enjoyed using critical thinking skills and programming. Alex sees himself pursuing these careers in the future but ultimately makes no effort to partake in internships or club activities to help him figure out what he wants to do. Which stage of identity development is he at?

What is identity moratorium?


When something reminds you of your mortality, you do whatever you can to reduce your anxiety.

Follow up question: How might you reassure yourself that you still have many years to live?

What is an example of terror-management theory?


What is one example in which females are better at recognizing faces and detecting emotional signals?

People have long noted how often men misinterpret a women's smile, mistaking friendliness for sexual interest. When a women is trying to signal sexual interest, many men misinterpret her expression as mere friendliness.


Sebastian's parents don't set rules or expectations for him. They also generally do not pay much attention to him. Which type of parenting do they exhibit?

What is indifferent/uninvolved parenting?
