To climb trees
Grimper aux arbres
What are the three comparative words
Plus, moins, aussi
When is the superlative used?
To compare 1 thing to a group
What is the difference between passé composé and imparfait?
Passé composé is used only for specific, completed actions, imparfait is usually describing circumstances behind an event.
Translate: le canard
The word for "to collect"
Besides adjectives, what other parts of speech can be used in comparisons?
Adverbs and nouns
Which words are irregular in the superlative?
Bon/Bien and Mauvais
What does TWADDLERO stand for?
Time, weather, age, date, description, location, emotion, repeated action, ongoing action
How do you say rabbits
les lapins
The starting phrase before telling something of your childhood.
Quand j'étais petit(e)
How is the comparative sentence formed for adjectives
Subject + verb + (comparative word) + adjective + que + rest of sentence.
What is the non-bangs adjective pattern?
Subject + verb + definite article + noun + definite article + (superlative) + adjective + de + (etc.)
For telling time in the imparfait, the verb ___ is always used
Translate: le paysage
The action little kids do on the beach
faire de châteaux de sable
How is the comparative sentence formed using nouns
Subject + verb + (comparative word) + de + noun + que + rest of sentence.
Where does the irregular go in sentence
The irregular goes before the noun and eliminates the "plus/moins"
What does DR & MRS VANDERTRAMPP stand for?
Devenir, revenir, monter, rentrer, sortir, venir, arriver, naître, descendre, entrer, retourner, tomber, rester, aller, mourir, partir, passer
Translate: La ferme tranquille a des vaches.
The peaceful farm has cows.
Translate this sentence: Heuresement, nous pouvait regarder de dessins animés après le travail.
Fortunately, we were able to watch cartoons after work.
Translate to french: She was less obedient than the other girls.
Elle était moins obéissante que les autres filles.
Translate to french: Les chèvres sont les meilleurs animaux de la farme.
Goats are the best animal on the farm.
Plug in the proper form:
Ils ___(voir) la pollution, pendant qu'ils ___ (faire) de la balancoire.
ont vu (passè compossè), faisaient (imparfait)
Translate to french: I like the countryside more than the city.
J'aime la campagne plus que la ville.