these are words that are used in our everyday language and might also be uncommon to students. Ex: ambivalent, miser, serendipity, and confirm.
What is General Vocab?
tremendous way to help students understand terms and concepts they must know and discover the meaning of new words. this includes the root(base) words, as well as the affixes ( prefixes and suffixes).
What is morphemes?
a wall that has new words posted on it that are acquired by students and are in visible places around the classroom whether it is alone or with definitions examples or sample sentences. They can be in list form, and semantic webs, or arranged in categories. As well as being accompanied by pictures or placed within students' artwork.
what is a word wall?
The word knowledge gap between groups of children begins before children enter school. This gap is too often not closed in later years. For example, 3-year-olds from advantaged homes had oral vocabularies as much as five times larger than children from disadvantaged homes. Without intervention, this gap grows even larger as students proceed through school.
what is the vocabulary gap?
highly effective instruction of vocabulary
What is explicit?
these are more distinguishable from the normal conversational vocab but are not characteristic of informal and personal communication but reflect school-privileged knowledge. Ex: analyze, evaluate, justify, cite, claim, evidence, and synthesize.
What is Acamedmic Vocab?
involves the history and derivation of words
what is etymology?
when a teacher identifies that a vocabulary word may be difficult or cause trouble to a student, they create a guide to help students prepare for their reading or can be completed as they progress through the text.
what is a vocabulary guide?
how can you teach vocabulary through direct instruction?
Encourage independent learning of new vocabulary from context. Teach meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and common root words. When teaching vocabulary directly, use a variety of strategies for teaching a word's meaning (e.g., simple definition, synonyms, antonyms, good examples and bad examples, models, pictures, demos).
this includes dictionary use, morphemic analysis, and contextual anaylsis.
What is word learning strategies?
also known as technical vocabulary these are only used disciplines. Ex: fractal, isotherm, pointillism, iambic pentameter.
why is Etymology important?
finding out where the words originated can be fascinating, as well as helpful in terms of understanding their meanings
a notebook that a student keeps for when they identify words that are new or interesting to them. Then they try to determine what they mean from context clues. Then share their ideas with other students and after they will find out if their assumptions were correct by the teacher giving them the definition.
what is a vocabulary notebook?
How can analogies help students learn new vocabulary and concepts?
Analogies can help students learn new vocabulary and concepts by creating lasting links between words and their meanings and connecting ideas and images by way of comparison.
the scientific research on vocabulary instruction reveals that most vocabulary is acquired ________ through indirect exposure to words.
what is incidental vocabulary learning?
also known as specialized, words that include words that may be part of our students’ regular vocabulary, but that take specific meaning in a particular content area such as culture in biology, latitude in geography, congestion in medicine, or confirm in religion.
What is Content Specific?
what are two compelling reasons to teach etymology?
students will be able to coordinate sound and sense when they encounter new words. the study of their origin and derivations can help students grasp the essential linguistic principle: English words have a discernable logic because their meanings are historically grounded.
developed by Johnson, can be used to clarify and enrich the meanings of known words, as well as to preteach words that are important to the comprehension of an assigned reading. It uses a grid that relates words in a category based on identifying characteristics; It invites comparison and contrast.
what is semantic feature analysis?
what are insights and strategies for ELL Students?
Poor vocabulary is a serious issue for these students. ELLs who have deficits in their vocabulary are less able to comprehend text at grade level than their English-only peers. Findings indicate that research-based strategies used with EO students are also effective with ELLs, although the strategies must be adapted to the strengths and needs of ELLs. These strategies include taking advantage of the student's first language if the language shares cognates with English, teaching the meaning of basic words, and providing sufficient review and reinforcement. Because English and Spanish share a large number of cognate pairs, the first instructional strategy is especially useful for Spanish-speaking ELLs
this can lead to increased vocabulary acquisition, especially for low-achieving or at-risk students.
what is the restructuring of vocabulary tasks?