French and Indian War
The War Expands
Colonists speak out
Committees of Correspondence
Boston Massacre
Road to War
Declaring Independence

These two countries were fighting for control of the Ohio Valley?

What are France and Britain.


What is the lawmaking branch of the British government that sent an army to help fight the French and their Native American allies?

What is Parliament.

What was the law Parliament approved that put a tax on many paper items in the colonies like newspapers, legal documents, and even playing card?
What is the Stamp Act.

Writing letters took time for a letter to get from place to place, due to the fact that mail was delivered by what?

What is a horse.

What were the two nicknames given to the British soldiers due to their bright red uniform jackets?

What are lobsters and redcoats.


The Boston Tea Party took place as Britain had complete control of a good or serve in an area to one person or group.  What is this known as- it's also a popular board game of passing go and collecting $200.

What is monopoly.


The first battle took place on this hill outside of Boston?

What is Bunker Hill.


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Who is Thomas Jefferson.


How old was George Washington and from what colony was he from when he was sent by the British governor to defeat the French in the Ohio Valley?

21 / Virginia


George Washington wrote home to his family informing them that he had _____ bullets through my coat and ______ horses shot under me, and yet escaped unhurt.

4 & 2


Complete the famous slogan- " No taxation without ______________."

What is representation.

Women who took action against the Stamp Act formed their own groups that spun thread and wove their own cloth instead of buying British cloth.  What did they call themselves?

What are the Daughters of Liberty.

A British soldier fired a shot into a crowd when he was hit by this, thinking it was a shot.

What is a snowball.


The Tea Act meant that colonists had to buy their tea from the ________   __________  company.

What is East India.


What is a ancient symbol of peace and Congress sent another petition to King George III.  It became known as the ___________ branch?

What is olive.


Whose signature is the largest on the Declaration of Independence.  He did that so King George could easily see it.

Who is John Hancock.


What were the representatives from each colony known as that came together in 1754 in Albany, NY to talk about how to deal with the French forces?

What are delegates.


The French and Indian War ended in 1763 with the signing of this agreement that gave Britain most of Canada, all French lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spanish Florida.

What is the Treaty of Paris.


Many colonists refused to buy British goods.  What do you call when you refuse to buy goods from someone else?

What is a boycott.


Who organized the first Committee of Correspondence in 1764?

Who is Samuel Adams.


Who was the African American sailor killed in the Boston Massacre?

Who is Crispus Attucks.


How many chests of tea where tossed of the ships in the Boston Harbor?

What is 342.


What are the wall of dirt and stone that colonists built to defend themselves from the British?

What are earthworks.


What did the colonist in New York City do with the statue of King George III after tearing it down?

Melt into bullets.


Ben Franklin said the colonies should united to fight the French. What was the name of his plan that was not approved as the colonies were not yet willing to fight as one country?

What is the Albany Plan of Union.


In April 1755, 1800 British troops marches to attack the French at this fort?

What is Fort Duquesne.


In Virginia, those that supported Parliament claimed Patrick Henry of committing this- working against his own government?

What is treason.


What type of policies are laws and orders issued by the king and the British Parliament?

What are imperial.


Who was a Boston silversmith that made a picture of the shooting and titled it The Bloody Massacre?

Who is Paul Revere.


The Sons of Liberty dressed up as this tribe and marched down the the Boston Harbor to dump tea in the harbor?

What are the Mohawk.


The famous African American woman poet was the first in the colonies to have her writing published?

Who is Phyllis Wheatley.

What is the name of the first part of the Declaration of Independence called?

What is the preamble.


George Washington won many battles during his career as a soldier.  The battle at this fort was the only battle in which he surrendered?

What is Fort Necessity? 


This British General, a well trained soldier in open fields, was not ready for the French and Native American tactics of hiding behind trees and rocks. This made him an easy target and he was killed in the war?

Who is General Edward Braddock.


This Massachusettes female writer disagreed with new taxes and begin writing plays that accused British leaders of being greedy.

Who is Mercy Otis Warren.


What town was the first organized town to have a Committee of Correspondence?

What is Boston.


What is the month, day, and year of the Boston Massacre?

What is March 5, 1770.


Many colonists decided to boycott tea. Some even made a kind of tea from these local trees?

What are sassafras.
In what building in Philadelphia did the delegates meet for the 2nd Continental Congress.  

What is Independence Hall.


What was the first plan of government for the United States called?  It was later replaced by the U.S. Constitution.

What is the Articles of Confederation.
