The person that perfectly modeled the evangelical counsels
Who is Jesus Christ?
The norms and routines that govern a community living together in consecrated life
What is a "rule"?
Also called “solitaries,” a man or woman who lives secluded from society, for the purpose of greater unity with God
What is a hermit?
This means to be made holy or set apart for a specific purpose
What is "consecrated"?
The three disciplines that come from the Gospels that are vows taken by those in the Consecrated Life
What are the evangelical counsels?
This religious institute is founded to be composed primarily of priests and governed by them
What is a clerical religious institute?
Refers to a male member of a religious order who lives a communal life under a monastic rule while observing poverty, chastity, and obedience
What is a monk?
Term used to describe some of the hermits, ascetics, and monks who lived in deserts in the first centuries of the Church
What is desert fathers?
This counsel refers to submission to the religious superior, and the nature of this commitment varies with the rules or norms of the community
What is obedience?
This type is a women’s institute and also those men’s institutes that do not include priests
What is a lay religious institute?
This form of monastic life refers to those who live in monasteries in community with others
What is cenobitic?
A religious order that depends entirely on alms for support
What is Mendicant Orders?
This counsel refers to a detachment from worldly things and voluntary humility which is displayed in a simple lifestyle of possessing only what one truly needs
What is poverty?
Members of this religious institute are completely devoted to the contemplation of God and often live in solitude and silence, and can also be a cloistered community
What is a contemplative institute?
This is a group of priests living in community, often with their bishop, under the rule of St. Augustine
What is canons regular?
Individuals that make public vows of the evangelical counsels but don't enter a religious community
Who are virgins, hermits, and widows?
The proper integration of sexuality, either abstention from or proper use of, within the person and in all his/her relationships
Members of this “active” religious institute publicly live out the evangelical counsels, carrying out different forms of service to the People of God, often working in hospitals, schools, and parishes
What is an apostolic institute?
The motto of the Benedictine monastic way of life
What is "pray and work" or "ora et labora"?
Members of this type of institute usually live “in the world” while living the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience (but not making vows)
What is a secular institute?