In what direction does DNA replication take place?
5’ to 3’
What are the three basic steps for DNA repair
1) Excision, 2) Resynthesis, 3) Ligation
The DNA double helix is open up via the enzyme:
What is the strand that synthesizes discontinuously as the replication fork open up?
Lagging strand
In DNA repair, this enzyme will join adjacent nucleotides together or stitch together new DNA fragments
DNA ligase
There are three main types of DNA pol. ( I, II, and III). Which does the bulk of the replication at the fork?
DNA polymerase III
Found on the 3’ to 5’ end of the template DNA strand is the synthesis of ___ strand
This particular DNA damage(when exposed to UV Radiation) will cause two adjacent thymines to bond together leaving the DNA molecule with a kink.
Thymine dimerization
This enzyme will relieve torsional stress and prevent the DNA from hypercoiling.
In order for DNA polymerase to attach to the DNA molecule it requires a Double strand, but the template strand is separated into two single strands. What be added first?
Primase must add on a RNA primer
In this Method of repair, the broken DNA strand will use the newly synthesized sister strand to fix itself.
Homologous Recombination
When DNA is separated the hydrogen bonds will try and zip back up after Helicase opens the double helix. To prevent this, what is used to keep the double strand open.
Single strand DNA binding protein
DNA replication cannot just start anywhere, there are specific DNA sequences that initiates DNA synthesis. For example, bacteria only has one of these sites while on the other hand budding yeast has about 400 and humans have about 30-50 thousands. What are these sites called?
Origins of replication
Although nonhomologous endjoining is quick and easy, What are the two threats posed when joining broken strands of DNA together?
Name me 8 enzymes used that is part of the replication machinery.
DNA polymerase, Helicase, Primase, single stranded dna binding protein, sliding clamp, and clamp loader, DNA ligase, and DNA topoisomerase