Problem vs. Problem Solving
Factors for Sucess in Problem Solving
Finding/Choosing Problems
Strategies for Problem Solving

What is a Problem?

Problems are something that people have to solve.

True/False: It is the most effective when teachers tell students how to do the problem step by step and then have students practice it till, they are able to perform confidently.

FALSE:When you tell children how to do it step by step rather than them figuring it out for themselves. They are less likely to remember any of the application skills you were trying to teach them. 


What is an open-ended question?

A question that can have more than one answer.


What was the name of the 4 Step Model of Problem Solving called?

The George Polya Model


What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving requires higher order thinking skills to find a solution.

Major factors that impact students’ problem-solving skills are....

  • Knowledge 
  • Beliefs and Affects 
  • Control 
  • Sociocultural Factors

True or False: Encouraging students to create, share, and solve their own problems helps them develop problem-solving skills. 

 TRUE :)

True or False: 

When students draw a drawing or diagram, we need to make sure they draw very detailed pictures so they can understand the problem better.

FALSE: We need to make sure students only draw what is necessary.


True/False: Teachers should only assign exercise problems for students to work on.

FALSE: As a teacher, you must be sure not to shield children from problem-solving challenges by assigning “problems” that really are just exercises. 


How can students use Knowledge to problem solve new math problems they are dealing with?

- They can learn to link new problems to ones they've solved before.

- They can spot common patterns in different problems and pick the right method to solve each one.


How does giving students open-ended questions benefit their problem-solving skills?

Because Different students solve different problems in many ways so there is no wrong answer and makes it great for all skill levels.


Constructing a table during a math problem helps students in what way?

Making a table is an efficient way to sort and organize lots of information. It also keeps a record of what's been tried, so children don't repeat unproductive steps or calculations.


True/False: It is considered a math problem if a child can figure out the solution right away.

FALSE: A problem is not truly a problem for a child if they can figure out the solution right away. 


Students' problem-solving skills are often linked to what three things?


- A?

- C?

- SB?

Attitudes, Confidence, and Self-Belief.


Where can you find the challenging math problems that will be beneficial for your students?

- Write your own problems.

- Different math websites.

- Math textbooks.


What is the difference between random guessing and an educated guess?

Random guessing isn't good problem solving it's just a guess with no clue of what is going on.

Educated guesses are based on careful attention to important parts of the problem and knowledge from similar problems they've solved before.


What are the 4 steps of the George Polya Model?

  • Understand the problem.
  • Devise a plan for solving it.
  • Carry out your plan.
  • Look back to examine your solution.

True or False: 

The classroom should encourage students to use and improve the problem-solving skills they've developed outside of school. 



Why is it important for teachers to plan and organize which math problems they want their students to solve?

So, students can solve math problems that teachers know they will be able to use different strategies on.


Why is it important to remind students to check their work after it has been completed?

To make sure the answer is reasonable. Problem solvers should step back and ask if their answers make sense.
