“We’re losing it! We’re going the wrong way!"
What literary element is used in this quote? “I remember one year the tournament outlasted daylight. People gathered on sidewalks and roofs to cheer for their kids. The streets filled with kite fighters, jerking and tugging on their lines, squinting up to the sky, trying to gain position to cut the opponent's line.”
What does Amir wish out of this tournament?
To win not only in the tournament but win Baba’s approval.
Who is Amir’s kite runner during the tournament?
“I think maybe you’ll win the tournament this year.”
What is used to symbolize Baba’s approval?
The blue kite
What is the most coveted prize to a kite runner?
The last fallen kite of the tournament.
What is an internal conflict Amir faces in the chapter?
The desire for his father’s approval.
“Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.”
What describes the starting tone of chapter 6?
Joyful, Nostalgic
What were Hassan and Amir doing in the house the NIGHT BEFORE the tournament?
Playing the card/board games (panjpar and chess).
What do Amir and Hassan hear from Baba’s room the night before the tournament?
The television (news).
“Sit with me Amir Agha”
True or False: Amir’s description of Hassan’s kite-running skills foreshadows events later to come in the novel
What is the importance of visiting Saifo?
Amir wanted a bigger/fancier kite, Baba would buy the same one for Hassan also.
What are the rules for kite flying that Amir mentions?
No rules. Fly your kite. Cut the opponents. Good luck.
“You have to play in a boxed area and you have to stand at a right angle to the wind.”
A neighboring boy
What motif is expressed in this chapter between Hassan and Amir?
In two ways, how is Amir Jealous of Hassan?
His athleticism- before and during the tournament it is clearly shown that Hassan passes him in his athletic points. Fancy kite- Hassan receives the same nice kit Baba bought Amir.
What is a kurshi?