The term for species that give birth to live young
live bearer
Give the common names for six ornamental fish
insert name
What state ranks first in ornamental fish production?
What happens if a warmwater fish is in water that drops below 65 degrees?
lethal, stress
List a problem that occurs when the fish are being overfed.
Poor water quality
Dirty, high ammonia
Mouth brooders
What family of fish often eats its young and must be seperated?
Poecilidae, live bearers
Most U.S. ornamental fish production occurs in these three counties in Florida.
List all the types of water that ornmental species could live in?
Warm, cold
Salt, fresh
Why are caretenoids sometimes fed to ornamental fish?
for color
This reproduction type is often the hardest to breed because the methods for spawning are very exact according to the species.
Egg layer
The name "goldfish" includes what common ornamental fish?
List the two most common types of systems that ornamentals can be grown in.
recirculating system
Most tropical ornamental fish orginate from this region
amazon, rio grande
What is the most common type of live feed used for ornamentals.
brine shrimp (artemia)
What are the three types of egg layers?
bubble nest
One of the most behaviorally advanced families of ornamental fish, territorial.
The name of a facility that keeps eggs and young fish.
What factors can make a fish susceptible to disease?
low dissolved oxygen
high ammonia or nitrite
Fish are fed diets high in what nutrient?
What do we call a material used for fish to lay eggs on? Give an example of a material that could be used.
tile, mat
Family name for betta fish and gouramis
What is the best way to harvest an ornamental fish?
How many gallons of water is needed per 1 inch of fish?
3 gallons
What is the average percent of protein required in the diet of ornemanetal fish species?