The two undergraduate degrees and how long they take to complete (on average).
What are an Associate's degree (2 years) and a Bachelor's degree (4 years).
The recommended amount of credit hours to take per week.
What is 12-15 credit hours?
The job of an academic advisor.
What is to help you with your class schedule and make sure you complete all of the required courses?
A benefit of joining a club or student organization.
What is making friends, learning new things, improving your resume, networking, community involvement, etc.?
The main purpose of an internship.
What is to gain work experience in a specific field?
The two graduate degrees and how long they take to complete (on average).
What are a Master's degree (1-3 years) and a Doctoral degree (4-8 years)?
The definition of a prerequisite class?
What is a class you must take before taking a more advanced course?
The purpose of a writing center and where they can be found.
What is to help students plan, write, and/or improve (with editing) papers (usually located in the library)?
List 3 kinds of clubs.
What are academic, cultural, sports, service, interest, and/or career?
The name of the document that you give to an employer that lists all of your education, skills, and other experiences.
What is a resume?
The definition of a credit hour.
What is a number used to measure about how many hours you will spend in class/the amount of work you will need to do for a class?
The definition of a hybrid class.
What is a class that combines in-person and online learning?
The place to go if you have a minor (not serious) illness or are feeling stressed out. If you are mentally or physically unwell.
What is the student health center?
What is they use greek letters in the organization's name?
The three ways you can find internships.
What are using campus resourses, going online, and networking?
This type of school usually has smaller class sizes and more specialized class topics (less options to study).
What is a college?
This term describes a class that has no scheduled meeting times and allows students to complete work on their own schedule.
What is an asynchronous class?
A resource that many college students regret not using more.
What is office hours?
What is the initiation (or joining tradition) that occurs when new members join certain social groups that often include bullying, humiliating, and/or dangerous tasks?
What are unpaid/paid, semester/summer, on campus/off campus, and/or for credit/not for credit?
This kind of school usually offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees and is publicly funded.
What is university?
The total number of credit hours typically required to graduate with a bachelor's degree.
What is 120 credit hours?
The event hosted by the career center that invites many companies (or other employeers) to come to the school and meet/interview many students.
What is the career fair?
The names for the female and male greek life groups.
What are sorority and fraternity?
The name of the document that introduces you to an employer and explains why you're a good fit for a job or internship.
What is a cover letter?