Europeans come to America
Christopher Columbus
Explorers + Conquerors
New Spain: Spanish Build an Empire
Wild Card
Who is Leif Ericson?
Leader of the Vikings, started the settlement, Vinland
What did Christopher Columbus do for a living and where was he born?
He was a seaman who led ships and he was born in Italy.
Define "conquistador"
A Spanish word meaning "to conquer", they were soldiers from Spain and Portugal looking for gold and riches.
What was the capital of New Spain?
Mexico City
Name the five seeds of change.
Horses, diseases, corn, sugar, and potatoes
Name a few things the Taino invented that we still use today.
Canoes and Hammocks
Who funded, or paid for, Christopher Columbus's expedition?
The kind and queen of Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
Who was Moctezuma II and where did he live?
Moctezuma II was the chosen emperor of the Aztec and he lived in Tenochtitlan.
Define "encomienda"
Land granted/given by the Spanish government as a way to control the large region they now ruled over, often including several existing Indian villages
Who was Cuahtemoc?
Ruler of the Aztec after Moctezuma's death (1521)
Who were the Taino and where did they live?
Island people that lived on present day lands such as the Bahama Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola.
Where was the first place that Columbus landed? What did he rename it?
The Bahama Islands and San Salvador (meaning, Holy Savior)
Who was Hernando Cortez and what did he do?
Cortez was a Spanish explorer who received land, but wanted gold. He led an army to defeat the Aztec.
Who was Bartolome de Las Casas?
"Protector of the Indians", a Catholic priest who defended Indian rights and despised the encomienda system, spending much of his life fighting against it.
Who took the first trip around the world and when did he die?
Magellan and he passed in April 1521
What is an expedition?
A journey with a purpose.
Explain the Columbian Exchange.
The Columbian Exchange was a movement of people, plants, animals, and germs across the Atlantic Ocean.
Who was Dona Marina and why was she so important?
Marina was the daughter of an Indian Chief, she knew several languages and was the only reason that Cortez was able to grow his army to such large numbers.
Due to the "New Laws of 1542" being passed requiring that Indians be paid for their labor efforts, what happened?
African slavery increased and by 1570 over 200,000 African individuals had been bought and taken to New Spain the replenish the work force.
What were Estevanico, Fray Marco de Niza, and Francisco Coronado all searching for and did they find it?
The Seven Cities of Gold, no they never found it because it did not exist.
When Columbus set out on his expedition, what was his purpose?
Columbus was trying to find a route over water to the Indies while traveling West instead of East.
List three things that Columbus wrote about in regards to the Taino people, what did he think about them?
They had their own language that Columbus did not understand, they were friendly, they carried no weapons, they were willing to trade, they seemed very poor, and they would make good and skilled servants.
How did the Spanish win and what was life like after they took over for the survivors?
The Spanish won because they had much stronger weapons and armor. Life became very harsh and difficult for survivors, they were starving and mistreated.
Describe the development of Mexico City. To rebuild, Cortez destroyed all Aztec features. What did he put in its place? Name at least 4 specific things that were added.
Cortez built a cathedral (church) at the center of the city that later became the focal point of the Great Plaza. Schools, flowering parks, a post office, a printing press, a University, a theater, and mansions were also added.
Who was Yanga?
An elderly African slave who led 80 followers to freedom by escaping to the mountains, never to be found again.